Planned Gifts
Make a legacy gift to the College of Design through retirement funds, bequests, real estate gifts, stock gifts, and more.
Naming the College of Design as the beneficiary of a retirement account removes those assets from the tax burden that donors’ heirs would ordinarily assume, enabling donors to leave other assets to heirs that are taxed at lower rates. Planned gift donors have the opportunity to engage with the University through NC State Pullen Society recognition and event.
Planning for future gifts through a will or trust can sustain yourself and your loved ones while allowing for a long-lasting gift to the College of Design. This option is also applicable to holders of 401(k), 403(b), IRA and other qualified retirement funds.
Include the college in your long-term financial planning
Include the College of Design through the NC State University Foundation in your will and receive an estate tax deduction
Charitable Gift Annuity
Provide fixed income for yourself or a loved one
Charitable Remainder Trust
Create life income for you and your spouse
Charitable Lead Trust
Pass property and other assets on to your family with substantial tax benefits
Stocks and bonds that have been owned for more than one year entitle the donor to compute the income tax deduction using the market value of the securities on the date of the gift.
Donors who want to make these gifts should follow our securities transfer instructions and we will be happy to assist
Real Estate Gifts
Gifts of real estate entitle the donor to the same tax benefits as gifts of cash or securities, provided the real estate has been owned for more than one year and there are no debts payable on the property. Gifts of real estate also can generate substantial estate tax savings.
Stock Gifts
Stocks and bonds that have been owned for more than one year entitle the donor to compute the income tax deduction using the market value of the securities on the date of the gift.
Donors who want to make these gifts should follow our securities transfer instructions and we will be happy to assist.
Questions? Contact our Development Team
If you have questions, please contact Advancement Services at 919-515-7827 or email
Influence for the Future of Landscape Architecture