Landscape Architecture

Resilient Flood Futures of Princeville | Tar River Wetland State ParkStudent | Mengxi Cao
LAR 507 Coastal Dynamics Studio | Spring 2018
In the summer of 2017, researchers from NC State and UNC created a document entitled Homeplace and organized the Princeville Community Design Workshop. The document and workshop were developed and delivered in coordination with the Hurricane Matthew Disaster Recovery and Resilience Initiative (HMDRRI). This studio extended the ideas and research undertaken in these earlier efforts. The major studio project developed and promoted design and planning strategies to leverage Princeville’s rich history.
LAR 507 Coastal Dynamics Studio | Spring 2018
In the summer of 2017, researchers from NC State and UNC created a document entitled Homeplace and organized the Princeville Community Design Workshop. The document and workshop were developed and delivered in coordination with the Hurricane Matthew Disaster Recovery and Resilience Initiative (HMDRRI). This studio extended the ideas and research undertaken in these earlier efforts. The major studio project developed and promoted design and planning strategies to leverage Princeville’s rich history.

Seeing Stories of the Great Dismal SwampStudents | Dong-Jae Yi + Madalyn Baldwin
LAR 507 Coastal Dynamics Studio | Spring 2019
Historically the relationships between Elizabeth City and the Great Dismal Swamp have been exploitative—both of natural resources and of people. This project reimagines these relationships by establishing connections between contemporary City and Swamp through a proposed recreational network. Research, analysis, and immersive programmings informed a process intended to guide development of this network to promote cultural and ecotourism, and leverage the unique histories and ecologies of the region.
LAR 507 Coastal Dynamics Studio | Spring 2019
Historically the relationships between Elizabeth City and the Great Dismal Swamp have been exploitative—both of natural resources and of people. This project reimagines these relationships by establishing connections between contemporary City and Swamp through a proposed recreational network. Research, analysis, and immersive programmings informed a process intended to guide development of this network to promote cultural and ecotourism, and leverage the unique histories and ecologies of the region.

Study Abroad | GhanaA student team advised by faculty member Kofi Boone, ASLA, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture, won a 2015 ASLA Student Honor in Community Service Award and a Student Award of Merit in Communications for their work with the Ghana International Design Studio and Study Abroad: Playtime in Africa. The student team is shown here participated in a wide range of immersive studies that highlighted issues impacting life in Ghana. Traveling through Ghana uncovered themes of culture, tradition, process, and craft.

East Durham Community Arts CenterStudent | Jodi Hart
LAR 502 Site Planning & Design Studio | Spring 2018
This design uses a strong focal point paired with sweeping gestures to join art together with ecological processes. The redesign of East End Park seeks to address the degraded health of Goose Creek, which runs along the North and East sides of the park, to mitigate and filter stormwater, and to add a successional native Piedmont forest and upland prairie to support the creek and inspire those that come to its borders. Importantly, this design seeks to create connection between surrounding neighborhoods and the greater Durham community through becoming a creative force and educational resource.
LAR 502 Site Planning & Design Studio | Spring 2018
This design uses a strong focal point paired with sweeping gestures to join art together with ecological processes. The redesign of East End Park seeks to address the degraded health of Goose Creek, which runs along the North and East sides of the park, to mitigate and filter stormwater, and to add a successional native Piedmont forest and upland prairie to support the creek and inspire those that come to its borders. Importantly, this design seeks to create connection between surrounding neighborhoods and the greater Durham community through becoming a creative force and educational resource.

Coastal Dynamics Design LabThe mission of the Coastal Dynamics Design Lab (CDDL) is to organize and lead trans-disciplinary research and design teams to address critical ecological and community development challenges in vulnerable coastal regions, with a concentrated focus on the Mid-Atlantic seaboard.
Coastal environments along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard are vulnerable to challenges from long-term sea level variations and the more acute forces of powerful Atlantic storms. The collaborative project teams at the CDDL seek greater understanding of these dynamic natural forces and human-made environments that shape coastal regions.
Coastal environments along the U.S. Eastern Seaboard are vulnerable to challenges from long-term sea level variations and the more acute forces of powerful Atlantic storms. The collaborative project teams at the CDDL seek greater understanding of these dynamic natural forces and human-made environments that shape coastal regions.