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From the Dean

Find out what it means to live a life of design by exploring our website.

Your visit to this website is a first step in crafting your education and career. That education and career will have a big impact on your life. It will shape how you think, who you meet, how you spend your time, where you live. It will be deeply rewarding and equally challenging. It will require the best you have to offer and enrich your life and the lives of those you serve.

The college is here to help you begin your journey in the design life. Our highly ranked programs not only teach professional excellence, but also help you learn important life skills, such as teamwork, collaboration, creative inquiry, crafting and making, and research. In short, you will learn to balance intuition with evidence as you design solutions to the confounding challenges we face.

We offer degrees in ArchitectureGraphic & Experience DesignIndustrial DesignMedia Arts, Design and TechnologyLandscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, and Design Studies and have focused applications in the built environment, product design, textile and fiber design, user experience, animation and multimedia, as well as creative practice through the exploration of mediums, composition, and storytelling. All ideas start with design thinking, which is a process that takes a human-centered approach to problem-solving.

No matter what degree program you choose, our faculty and staff are here to support you and provide a safe place for you to experiment, learn from mistakes, and begin your life in design.

So once again, welcome and here’s to great design!

Mark Elison Hoversten, PhD, FASLA, FCELA, AICP, Assoc. AIA

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We’re always up to something – and it’s often amazing. Follow us on instagram to see how we’re living the Designlife.

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“I’m a designer. I know what I’m capable of, and I know what I can be capable of.”

This third installment of Crit Happens tackles the efficiency of design. Getting stuck on a project is an inevitable part of every student’s workflow. It’s a good thing being a design student is more than a major, it’s a mindset. 🧠❗

🎙️: Meg (first-year, GXD) and Taylor (sophomore, GXD).
💡 Design isn’t just about what you create. It’s about how you think.

Alumnus Will Hall [Graphic Design ‘04] knows firsthand that a degree isn’t just about landing a job - it’s about preparing for a future that’s always evolving. 

On March 26, invest in creativity, innovation and the power of design to shape what’s next. Visit the link in our bio to make your statement by #GivingPack to the College of Design.
And today’s category is: Spring Eleganza Extravaganza ✨🌸
The ❤️ at the center of every design. 

Welcome back to Crit Happens! This time, Meg and Taylor discuss the professors setting them up for success in the classroom. Design isn’t just about thinking outside the box; it’s about redesigning it.  

🎙️: Meg (first-year, GXD) and Taylor (sophomore, GXD).
Sometimes, Crit Happens. 🤷 

Welcome to the new series where @NCStateDesign students talk about their hot takes and honest experiences in the College of Design. This week, Meg and Taylor talk about adapting to critiques and navigating the unique learning environment.
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