All News

DesignIntelligence Survey: Architecture + Landscape Architecture Programs

Designing a Strong Future

Designing with Perspective

Thinking Big with Large-Scale Design

The Designer’s Responsibility

Faculty and Staff Nominations and Awards 2018

Shaping the Landscape of a Designlife

Introducing Design Treks

An Influential Studio for Non-Design Majors

iPAL Offers Faster Path to Architecture License

Using Virtual Reality to Plot Urban Green Spaces

Giving to the College and Coastal Communities

A Passionate Leader

Emerging Technologies Explored

High Tech Studios Are A Step Above

The 13th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium

Gene Bressler Enters Phased Retirement

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Creates New Roles for Designers

Diversity in Design

Endless Opportunities

Ryan Williams shares his Disney Internship Experience

A Deserving Retreat

New Technique Allows Printing of Flexible, Stretchable Silver Nanowire Circuits

Faculty Leads in Fulbright Scholars

Study: Corporations Can Benefit from Altruism During a Crisis

Leaving her Mark

Design Students Make Science Accessible

Patrick Rand, FAIA, DPACSA, Receives Fulbright Distinguished Chair Award

Envisioning Research: NC State Calls for Research Image Contest Submissions

Alumni Team Wins Global Architecture Competition

Rethinking the Box

Design & Health Research Consortium

Design Alumnus Donates to the Gregg Museuem of Art + Design

Designing the Car of the Future

In Memory of Brian Shawcroft, AIA

I AM A Man | VR Civil Rights App

Graphic Design Program Recognized as Top in Nation

A Legacy of Dedication

Fish Market

The Dean Becomes the Student

Submit Your Work Now for the School of Architecture Alumni Exhibition

Students ‘LEED’ McKimmon Center To Increased Sustainability

Design for Good

Fall 2017 Commencement Address

A Journey to Design

Where Design and Culture Collide

A Winning Experience

Design Inspiration | Kathleen Rieder

Design Inspiration