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Apr 16, 2019

Five Questions with Patrick Rand

NC State faculty make an indelible impact on the university through their dedication to teaching, research and service. Patrick Rand, is one of those faculty, and is this year’s NC State recipient of the University of North Carolina Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Bill O-Brien NC State Design Alumnus

Apr 12, 2019

The Value of a Design Education

Bill O’Brien [’62 B.Arch] shares his design journey, found memories of the College, his architecture legacy, and the value of a design education.

Darren Woodland with project

Apr 12, 2019

Designing for Social Awareness

Darren Woodland, a graduate student in Art + Design, is pushing interactive innovation to develop an experience that tells the story of the Catawba Indian and their loss of land rights.

Designlife Gala 2019

Apr 11, 2019

2019 Designlife Gala

The Designlife Gala honored Stephen Hill for his dedication and contribution to the design community and Kevin and Myra Kane were awarded Wings on Wings at the 22nd Annual event.

Juhann Waller DDes student practitioner

Apr 11, 2019

Design to Address Stormwater Infrastructure Issues

Juhann Waller is pursuing his Doctor of Design degree with NC State in hopes of mitigating stormwater infrastructure issues that derail communities.

Teresa Buckwalter NC State Design DDes student practitioner

Apr 11, 2019

DDes Student-Practitioner Expands Conversation about Climate Change

Teresa Buckwalter, an NC State Design Doctor of Design student practitioner, who is exploring solutions to "give landscape architects a way of talking and interacting with people and rural communities that value those places and those people and their insights."

Chancellors Study Abroad Scholarship winners 2018-19

Apr 11, 2019

A Study Abroad Experience

Jecori Owens-Shuler, a senior in industrial design, had the opportunity to spend a semester in Prague, which was enhanced by the Chancellor’s Study Abroad Scholarship.

Will Reuther with baby monitoring protype

Apr 10, 2019

Reaching for his Dreams

A passion for medical devices has led Will Reuther [MID '19] to a promising journey including collaborating with researchers to design and develop a cutting-edge baby monitoring system and heading to medical school to become a doctor.

Aerial NC State Design_800x450

Apr 10, 2019

New CIP for Grad Programs in Architecture and Graphic Design

NC State College of Design’s graduate degrees in architecture and graphic design now have a STEM designation through the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP).

Kimberly Wicker, alumna from NC State College of Design

Apr 9, 2019

You Get Back What You Give

Kimberly Wicker received her MLA from NC State College of Design and has since remained loyal in giving of her time, talent, and passion for all things Raleigh NC and beyond. Owner of Coaly Design, Wicker understands the importance of designing for the future.


Apr 8, 2019

Concert Blends VR With Music to Tell Suffrage Story

Imagine a country where women attend college, hold jobs, buy and sell property, engage in political activism, practice law, own businesses and found entire professions — but they can’t vote. Sound familiar? It’s the United States of America, or at…

Apr 4, 2019

2019 Lulu eGames Winners

See the complete list of winners from the 2019 Lulu eGames, NC State’s annual startup competition.


Apr 4, 2019

Hurricane Florence Inspires Disaster Research Workshop

Learn about the research NC State and its affiliates have been conducting related to Hurricane Florence and other natural disasters, and discuss the path forward at this workshop.

Stephen Waddell_BAD 19

Apr 4, 2019

A Winding Road to Design

Stephen Waddell [BAD '19] has taken a non-traditional path to design from computer science to innovative technologies. He made the best of his time at NC State and shares his successful journey to design.


Apr 3, 2019

Meet Winners of NC State’s 2019 Sustainability Awards

Here are this year’s honorees for outstanding sustainability achievements.

GD symposium

Mar 30, 2019

Design on a Deadline

Graphic design seniors developed an interactive symposium, 'reACT: Mobilizing the Everyday,' as a way of designing an experience that would introduce the complex issue of design mobilities.

Mar 29, 2019

Fashion and Textiles Program Update for 2019-2020

We apologize for the miscommunication regarding the ADN 470 studio next fall semester. That confusion created a number of other concerns and fears. The following is a summary to provide clarity: A fibers and textiles studio* will be available in the Fall 2019 semester; We are in the planning stages right now for Art2Wear (A2W)…


Mar 28, 2019

Winners Named for Research Symposium, Teaching Awards

During Graduate Education Week, students were recognized for their teaching excellence and for their science communication skills at the 14th annual Graduate Student Research Symposium.

Pat Rand Fulbright Chair Award

Mar 28, 2019

Photos from Pat Rand in Helsinki

Professor Patrick Rand is teaching and doing research in Helsinki, Finland as part of his Fulbright Chair Award. He shares some photos of his experiences.


Mar 28, 2019

State Loves #GivingPack

Thousands of NC State supporters roar into action, turning a Day of Giving into a howl of Wolfpack pride.


Mar 28, 2019

NC State Takes the Stage at ACCelerate Festival

Several NC State research teams will participate in the ACCelerate Festival at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.

Saige Martin_advocacy

Mar 25, 2019

Designing for Activism and Advocacy

Art + Design graduate student Saige Martin is exploring design activism and advocacy to challenge people's perceptions and to push beyond their comfort zones.


Mar 20, 2019

Teaching (and Learning) Through Technology

NC State’s DELTA Grants program empowers faculty to revolutionize classroom and online instruction.

Career Expo 2019

Mar 15, 2019

Successful Career Expo Brings Job Opportunities to Design Students

The NC State College of Design welcomed students and employers to the 2019 Career Expo and Spring Interview Days on February 28 and March 1, 2019.

Old Concord Road fencing CAT LYNX

Mar 7, 2019

The Nature of Public Art: Talent, Teamwork, and Time

Professor of Art + Design Chandra Cox spent 10-years designing and creating two light rail stations as part of Charlotte's CATS LYNX Blue Line (completed March 2018).


Feb 26, 2019

Confirming Commitment to Online Course Quality through Quality Matters

The Online Course Improvement Program (OCIP) has a new cohort of faculty who will work to make improvements to their online courses to meet the nationally recognized standards of the Quality Matters organization. Meet the new group of dedicated faculty members committed to providing quality online teaching and learning.

Don Tise holding the new Designlife Award

Feb 25, 2019

Honoring the Spirit of Design

Learn more about how an interdisciplinary team of alumni worked with the College of Design to bring new vision to the Designlife Award.

Animation from Shelterin Sky

Feb 21, 2019

What Design Can Teach

Associate Professor of Art + Design Marc Russo is an innovative animator and storyteller. Learn about his current collaboration with 3-D animation to accompany a musical piece.


Feb 20, 2019

3 to Receive Watauga Medal

Three alumni are honored with the Watauga Medal by NC State University. This is the highest nonacademic honor for extraordinary service and commitment to the university.

Meg Calkins-featured

Feb 19, 2019

A Natural Influence

Meg Calkins, newly named professor and head of the Department of Landscape Architecture, does not shy away from a challenge. She was the first person to graduate with a dual master’s degree in landscape architecture and architecture from the College of Environmental Design at the University of California, Berkeley, and she completed the task in…

IDSA Listen + Empower-web

Feb 19, 2019

IDSA Comes to NC State

NC State Design hosted the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) south regional District Design Conferences, LISTEN + EMPOWER (March 2018).

Ezra Stoller-Esto Catalano house-web

Feb 19, 2019

Symposium Celebrates Eduardo Catalano and the College of Design

NC State Design Symposium celebrates 100 years of Eduardo Catalano and his influence on modern architecture in North Carolina and beyond.

Ben Markoch [GD ’16] and Sunny Su [ID ’16]

Feb 14, 2019

Alumni Think Outside Traditional Design Firm Model

Alumni, Ben Markoch [GD ’16] and Sunny Su [ID ’16] use what they learned at NC State Design to build an innovative design studio that has a unique way of solving problems.

Tom Barrie and David Hill

Feb 12, 2019

Professor Thomas Barrie awarded the 2018-19 ACSA Distinguished Professor Award

NC State Design Professor of Architecture Thomas Barrie, AIA honored with the 2018-19 Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Distinguished Professor Award.

Charles and Marjorie Flink Designlife Gala

Feb 7, 2019

Charles Flink to be recipient of NC State Watauga Medal

NC State College of Design is proud to announce that alumnus Charles A. Flink II, FASLA, has been chosen as a 2019 recipient of the esteemed Watauga Medal.

Steve Kim-IBM Design Lead opening remarks

Feb 1, 2019

Enterprise Design Thinking For Community Good

Design it Forward is an interdisciplinary studio that exposes NC State students to enterprise design thinking use by IBM to solve problems for deserving nonprofits.

Architecture books to Finland

Feb 1, 2019

Alive and well in Finland

A message from Professor of Architecture Patrick Rand who is at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland as part of his Fulbright Distinguished Chair Award. He recently reached out to share his activities abroad.

microhousing architecture model

Jan 30, 2019

Micro Houses Have Macro Impact

Micro houses have the potential to alleviate veteran homelessness in North Carolina. And an advanced architecture studio partnered with deserving organizations to help lead the way.


Jan 30, 2019

How Do We Talk About Climate Change On Social Media?

Are extreme weather events good opportunities for talking about climate change?

mapping excersize with IBM

Jan 24, 2019

Increasing Accessibility with Machine Learning

Helen Armstrong's graduate graphic design studio at NC State Design collaborates with IBM Watson & IBM Accessibility to explore increased accessibility through machine learning.

Shea Edwards in Prague

Jan 23, 2019

Meet Shea Edwards

Learn about Shea Edwards, an architecture student who spent the summer participating in Study Abroad in Prague.

Clara May_800x400

Jan 19, 2019

The Process to Design Elbow

Clara May, a graphic design student, combined interests in design, music, photography, publication, and urban typography to produce, Elbow, a custom publication.

Derek Ham with Payod Panda

Jan 7, 2019

Through a Child’s Eyes

Making the idea and application of virtual reality for children as young as kindergarten is something that Derek Ham set out to do. With Panoform, this free downloadable app, that is exactly what transpired.

Gavin Smith Joins NC State

Jan 2, 2019

Gavin Smith, PhD, AICP Joins NC State

Gavin Smith is an internationally recognized leader in planning for coastal resilience and hazard mitigation (risk reduction), disaster recovery and adapting to climate change and has joined NC State where he will complement and facilitate collaborations among faculty who are working in these areas.

Meredith Davis Commencement Dec 2018

Jan 2, 2019

Fall 2018 Commencement Address by Meredith Davis

Meredith Davis, Emerita Professor of Graphic Design was the Fall 2018 Commencement Address speaker (December 20, 2018 at the McKimmon Center). This is her speech.

child enjoying water table

Jan 1, 2019

Freedom by Design Students Help Kids Have Fun

NC State Design community service group Freedom by Design (FBD), a branch of the American Institute of Architecture Students volunteered their time and talents to build water tables for the Tammy Lynn Center.

GD studio lowering barriers to access story

Dec 22, 2018

Lowering Barriers to Access with Machine Learning

How can we use computation to augment our mental abilities? This was Vannevar Bush’s query in 1945 when he wrote: “As We May Think.” He, along with a team of researchers  at the Stanford Research Institute, went on in 1964 to create the computer mouse, hypertext, windows, word processing, video conferencing, and a collaborative real-time editor—as revealed in “The Mother of all Demos.”

Professor Tom Barrie AIA

Dec 18, 2018

Philanthropic Professor Supports the College

Professor of Architecture Tom Barrie has a passion for making a difference for his students and to support causes that matter. Barrie and his wife, Lisa, are philanthropic and generous in their support of NC State Design.

Chris Williams_800x450

Dec 17, 2018

A Winning Start

Chris Williams [BID ’17] recently won a footwear design apprenticeship with Adidas by competing and being one of the winners in the international Adidas Design Academy competition.

Serving NC communities

Dec 11, 2018

Storm Warnings

With increasingly frequent disastrous hurricanes, NC State Design faculty and students help rural, flood-prone communities in eastern North Carolina to recover and rebuild; physically + economically. They encourage public officials to recognize the growing environmental threat to the region.