All News

Masters of Art + Design Program Recognized for Excellence in Assessment

Three Students Receive the Shawcroft Drawing Prize

Mirrors and Mentors: Reaching Back for the Next Generation

Congratulations, Ph.D. Graduates!

Congratulations, Graduates!

Deborah Littlejohn wins a 2020 Design Incubation Award

COVID-19 Can’t Stop LEED Lab

Coastal Dynamics Design Lab Continues Community Flood Work with Two New Grants

Leader, Mentor, Mother: Marva Motley Honored for Commitment to Black Students Via Endowed Scholarship

Dean’s Five Year Review

Alumni, Faculty and Lecturers Win AIA NC Design and Chapter Awards

Duke University, NC State College of Design, and five NC counties partner to use behavioral science and design to improve county COVID responses

2019-20 Awards and Honors

Virtual Three Minute Thesis Finalists

Remembering Susan Toplikar

In the Name of Freedom

Architecture Students Compete in Sigmon Memorial Scholarship Design Competition

Important Academic Calendar Updates

Finally, a Home: Industrial Design Program to Get Dedicated Space

New Name, Continued Direction: Landscape Architecture’s Name Change Reflects Continued Work with Communities

Architecture Students Sweep 2020 Design Awards

NC State Creatives: Sara Fisher

NC State Creatives: Annie McDonald

NC State Creatives: Yash Shah

The Henry W. and Lorene R. Johnston Design + Build Program

Switching Back the Code: A Q&A with Jemima Liteli

Exploring Coastal Conservation: Students and Faculty Win ASLA Awards to Preserve NC

Triangle Modern Architecture Features College of Design’s Influence on Local Architecture

Students Take Top Prize in National Concrete Masonry Association Competition

Climate Change and the Challenge of Community Relocation

Designlife Podcast: Justin Johnson

Meet the Newest Members of the Pack

Chandra Cox Contributes Illustrations to ‘Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Boy’

Designlife Podcast: Elen Deming

College of Design Develops New Graduate Certificate in Disaster Resilient Policy, Engineering and Design

DDes Student Researching How to Design VR That Heals

Susan Toplikar, Former Art + Design Faculty, Dies

Continuities and Transformations: Evolving a Home Over Four Decades

Designlife Podcast: Anne Spafford

From Architecture to Augmented Reality

DDes Student Puts Research into Practice as Town Manager

Coastal Dynamic Design Lab Wins Top Honor from NCASLA

New Landscaping Design Guide Features Native Coastal NC Plants

Annie McDonald Wins IDSA Student Merit Award

Black Design Matters: A Q&A with Demarcus Williams

Teamwork that Addresses Flooding Challenges

Teamwork that Addresses Flooding Challenges

Land loss has plagued black America since emancipation – is it time to look again at ‘black commons’ and collective ownership?

Strange, Unfamiliar, Marvelous: Explore the Art2Wear Digital Showcase