Graphic Design

Deborah Littlejohn wins a 2020 Design Incubation Award

Switching Back the Code: A Q&A with Jemima Liteli

Black Design Matters: A Q&A with Demarcus Williams

Congratulations, Class of 2020!

Design Faculty Win NC State Awards

Voting in the 21st Century with Mobile Blockchain Technology

Graphic Design Students Featured in GDUSA Students to Watch

What role might machine learning ethically play in retail spaces?

From Biology to Graphic Design: Andy Hilts Brings Modern Design to SAS

Creating a Lasting Legacy to the College of Design

Design Thinking in Law

Spring 2019 Commencement Address by Kathleen Kincaid

Graphic Design At NC State Ranks #4 At

2019 Design Employee Excellence Awards

New CIP for Grad Programs in Architecture and Graphic Design

Design on a Deadline
![Ben Markoch [GD ’16] and Sunny Su [ID ’16]](’16-and-Sunny-Su-ID-’16.jpg)
Alumni Think Outside Traditional Design Firm Model

Enterprise Design Thinking For Community Good

Increasing Accessibility with Machine Learning

The Process to Design Elbow

Through a Child’s Eyes

Fall 2018 Commencement Address by Meredith Davis

Lowering Barriers to Access with Machine Learning

Professor of Graphic Design Denise Gonzales Crisp

Assistive Technology: Designing for Users’ Needs

A Summer Internship for Success

Alumnus Gives Back with Design

DELTA’s College of Design Alumni Create and Share Experiences

The Designer’s Responsibility

The 13th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium

Diversity in Design

Ryan Williams shares his Disney Internship Experience

Design Students Make Science Accessible

Rethinking the Box

I AM A Man | VR Civil Rights App

Graphic Design Program Recognized as Top in Nation

Design for Good

Where Design and Culture Collide

Study Abroad in Greece: Integrating Culture and Diversity with Design

Looking Fine, Wolfline

Lulu eGames winfall for Ataristicians

Design Faculty Members Receive Promotion or Tenure

Awards of Excellence Luncheon

2016 Excellence in Graduate Teaching Awards

Design Students Recognized at 2017 Graduate Research Symposium

Accessibility in Design

Universal Design Welcomes Everyone

An Expert Generalist

Reflections of an Internship