What role might machine learning ethically play in retail spaces?
Last spring, grad students in the Master’s in Graphic Design Program at North Carolina State University partnered with an auto parts company to explore this question. The company was particularly concerned with protecting the privacy and agency of their customers.

The project research question: How might an auto parts company ethically leverage machine learning in their Store of the Future to produce personalized, efficient, useful consumer interactions that allay user concerns? What role might the sales team members play in supporting such positive experiences?
The Deliverables: Scenario Videos
AUTO: The Virtual Store Assistant
Persona: Jenn, the Learner
Designers: Hannah Faub, Randa Hadi, Harrison Lyman, Matt Norton
Inspiration Wall
Persona: Luis, the Achiever
Designers: Ashamsa Mathew, Grace Herndon, Michele Pereira de Souza, Matthew Maharaj
How Smart Is This Store?
Persona: Craig, the Expert
Designers: Ashley Anderson, Katie Frohbose, Victoria Gerson, Dmitri Knapp
The Research Process
This story was originally published on the website of Professor of Graphic Design Helen Armstrong.
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