Important Dates
- January 15: Priority application deadline for domestic and international students (fall admission)
- Late applications will be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
- March 1-31: Notification to students regarding admission status (applicants check their status through the online system)
- March 1: University deadline for international applications for fall admission
- April 15: Deadline for students notifying the College of Design that they intend to matriculate in fall
- June: Pre-registration of incoming graduate students for fall courses
- August: New College of Design graduate student orientation
- Mid-August: First day of fall classes
Academic Qualifications for the MAAS Program
- Minimum 3.0 GPA from all previous study at the college level
- English Proficiency for international Applicants.
- Acceptable minimum online TOEFL score:
- Combined score of 80 and at least 18 on each individual component
- OR minimum IELTS score for international students
- Overall band score of at least 6.5 in each individual component
- OR provide Duolingo score of 110 or better
- OR be a citizen of a country where English is the official language and the language of instruction in higher education.
- International applicants who have successfully completed at least one year of full-time study at a four-year US college or university do not have to submit TOEFL and/or IELTS scores. To request a waiver, contact the Graduate Admissions Office.
- Acceptable minimum online TOEFL score:
- A portfolio of work
- Uploaded unofficial transcripts for each institution attended (official transcripts will be required if admitted)
- Three uploaded letters of recommendation from people who know your academic record. For NCSU Bachelor of Architecture students that have graduated 5 years or less from date of application, two letters of recommendation are required.
- Resume
A fee of $85 for US applicants ($95 for international applicants) is due at the time of application.
Personal Statement (400 words or less)
that states career objectives, prior experience, intention of graduate study, and their relevance to the selected program at NC State University
Research Interest Statement (750 words or less)
that articulates a clear topic with specific research questions for a clear and compelling design investigation. Statements should include a School of Architecture graduate faculty member’s name with whom you want to work. Research topics can align with one of the School’s Focus Areas or the design expertise of a faculty member.
Got Questions?
Contact and a member of our team will be back in touch.
Portfolio Requirements
In architecture, as in all the design professions, portfolios are regarded as the most effective way to communicate their work to others. They typically contain a selection of architectural projects and other pertinent 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional work of artistic or technical interest, presented as reproductions in one of the standard paper formats. Students with an undergraduate degree in architecture applying to a graduate program are expected to present portfolios to illustrate their abilities, their experiences, and their accomplishments, just as graduates looking for a first job or moving from one employer to another would be expected to present a portfolio.
Specific suggestions
- It is useful to include some information regarding the context in which your work was produced, particularly whether it was done in response to a class assignment, a job-related task, or by your own initiative. It is also good to include the dates of execution as well as the size, materials, and media. If a project was done by a group of persons or in the context of a professional office, please be specific as to the exact nature of your personal involvement and contribution.
- You should give special attention to the form and craft of your submission. We are not only interested in the quality of what you show, but also in the quality of how you show it.
- Please be sure to include your name on all items.
- You can consult references on portfolio design. As an example, Portfolio Design, Second Edition by Harold Linton (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2000, ISBN 0-393-73059-X) contains much information and many examples of portfolio design, some by NC State University students. At NC State, this book available at the College of Design Library and the University Career Center. This book or others like it should be available at design and university libraries around the country.
- Portfolios for applicants with previous architectural degrees are considered as demonstrations in ability to design architectural projects. Other pertinent 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional work of artistic, design, or technical interest may be included as supplementary to this desired purpose.
Participating Faculty:

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