Landscape Architecture

Landscape Architects Form Task Force to Scale Up Solutions to the Climate and Biodiversity Crises

College of Design Signs MOU with National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

NC State Creatives: Tatiana Veloso

Work underway on Goldsboro flood mitigation and resilience project: three projects aim to protect property and increase flood resilience

Landscape Architecture Students Win National Awards for Fourth Year in a Row

Bringing New Life to Paper Streets

College of Design Students and Faculty Win Awards at NCASLA

Be Transported to the Wild and Wacky Dimensions of Art2Wear 2024

Unity Through Design: Q&A with Melissa Manjarrez Dominguez

M. Elen Deming Honored for Exceptional Service to CELA and LAF

A Groundbreaking Designer’s NC State Roots

LAF Fellowship Spotlight: Meg Calkins on a Material Shift

MLA Student Shabnam Mohammadzadeh Receives Dean’s Wings on Wings Award

New Just Communities Lab Advocates for Environmental Justice

Turning the Tide

Landscape Architecture Students, Faculty Win National ASLA Awards
![Loddie D. Bryan, Jr. [BLA ‘57] arranges a model in a photographic model box, circa 1956.](
Landscape Architecture: An Early History

Chuck Flink Recognized as One of ASLA’s 2023 Awardees with LaGasse Medal

Trees of Design

The Class That Started It All

College of Design Faculty win NC State Awards in Teaching and Research

Celebrating Alumni + Friends Weekend and the Designlife Gala
Coharie Tribe signs agreement for local resilience plan

Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Selects María Bellalta as New Head of Department

Winners from the 2023 Graduate Research Symposium Announced

Meg Calkins selected for LAF Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership

75 Years of Leading by Design: College of Design Celebrates a Momentous Milestone

Researchers study electric scooter rider behavior through partnership with Spin

College of Design and ITRE partner on $50,000 grant to design innovative approaches to encourage walkable development along decaying multilane suburban highways.

For my sister, your sister, our sisters.

NC State Creatives: Makayla Esposito

Students and Coastal Dynamics Design Lab Team Take Top Honors in ASLA National Awards

Latinx Voices of Design: Melissa Manjarrez Dominguez

Gene Bressler steps in as interim department head of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning

2022 Designlife Magazine

Celebrating Another Successful Day of Giving

NLI Director Joins 80 Researchers Worldwide to Create Parameters for Healthy and Sustainable Cities

Congratulations, Class of 2022!

A New Way To Measure: Bringing Drone Technology to Landscape Architecture

Coastal Dynamics Project Awarded Part of $2 Million Grant for Environmental Justice

New state partnership to support local planning for community resilience

Graduate Student Research Symposium Winners

Meg Calkins Elevated to Fellow of CELA

Duda Visiting Designer Program asks students to explore North Carolina’s complex history through the lens of racial justice

First Year Experience Paper Project is featured in Walter Magazine

Bringing New Voices to the College of Design

The Path to Healing: Alumnus Chuck Flink and the 9/11 National Memorial Trail Act

MLA Students Participate in Green New Deal Superstudio

MLA Student Stephanie Kelly Chosen as a 2021-22 Global Change Fellow