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Kofi Boone

Aug 13, 2021

Design Appoints Kofi Boone as Joseph D. Moore Distinguished Professor

The College of Design has named Kofi Boone, FASLA, professor of landscape architecture and environmental planning, as the Joseph D. Moore Distinguished Professor. Boone has been at the College of Design since 2004. His work is in the overlap between landscape architecture and environmental justice with specializations in democratic design, digital media, and interpreting cultural landscapes.

Students design together on field trip

Aug 11, 2021

The K-12 Digital Design Lab: Thriving Through Adaptation

Design Lab’s field trip program is often considered a first step into design professions for many students in North Carolina. Students are exposed to more development opportunities through its Design Camp and its complementary program, the Digital Design Lab.

Ashley Pearson SHRA Award for Excellence

Aug 4, 2021

Ashley Pearson Wins SHRA Award for Excellence

NC native and NC State alum Ashley Pearson recently received an Outstanding SHRA Award for Human Relations. She brings kindness, efficiency, heart and humor to her work supporting doctoral programs and college advancement.


Jul 30, 2021

J. Stacy Utley: It’s Not About the Artist

It was while working on a mural when J. Stacy Utley was approached by a facilities staff member who recommended he attend Design Camp. Now, he's creating a landmark celebrating Charlotte's historically Black West End neighborhood.

jonathan williams featured image

Jul 29, 2021

Designlife Podcast: Jonathan Williams and Designerly Knotting

On this episode of the Designlife Podcast we’re joined by Jonathan Williams, a DDes Student and educator working in New York. Jonathan is currently researching how something as simple as tying a knot can transform how we approach design from an early age.

Three Precast Concrete Panels

Jul 26, 2021

Why Can’t we be Friends? Cementing the Relationship Between Architects and Engineers

Upon returning to campus this year, you may notice a few new features standing by the south walls of Kamphoefner. While these sculptures might look purely decorative, they are actually the result of a lesson in structure, durability and cooperation between disciplines. The ARC 503 studio is taught by Associate Professor of Architecture Dana Gulling,…

Angela Medlin Working

Jul 15, 2021

Angela Medlin: Doing the Long Math

Until she was in a position to hire talent while working for brands like Levi Strauss & Co, The North Face, Eddie Bauer, Nike and Adidas, Angela could not help but notice that she was the only Black designer in the room. After 30 years in the industry she made a life-changing decision – she was going to design for herself again.

aj polanco feature image

Jul 12, 2021

DDes Student Designs Learning Assessments for Deaf Children

When user experience designer AJ Polanco decided to advance his career by earning a doctoral degree, his search for the perfect opportunity led him to become part of the first cohort of eight students to enroll in the College of Design’s brand-new Doctor of Design program in 2018.

Steven Chavez with NAMLA logo

Jul 9, 2021

Room to Lead

Steven Chavez is a student practitioner in the Doctor of Design program at the College of Design. He is the founder of NAMLA, the National Association of Minority Landscape Architects. Read his recent interview with Landscape Architecture Magazine.

Featured image for GDUSA winner

Jul 9, 2021

Alums Win GDUSA Health + Design Award

A collaboration between the College of Design and the Duke University Center for Advanced Hindsight (CAH) recently brought home one of the coveted 2021 GDUSA Health + Wellness Awards™ for their work promoting COVID-19 vaccination in rural North Carolina counties.

Art2Wear Virtual Gallery

Jun 24, 2021

The Show Never Stopped: Art2Wear Lives on in Virtual Museum

Unlike previous shows, this year's virtual format showcases more than what audience members usually see on the runway. While many A2W attendees miss the in-person experience of shows past, they are now able to get an in-depth look at each designer's process, story and inspiration behind their collections.

Padeo Image

Jun 23, 2021

NCSU entrepreneurs’ new tech cuts website load times

When Camden asked Ben for help on a web design project–as a junior in high school–a friendship and business partnership formed. The above is the concept behind Padeo, a newly launched startup developed by co-founders Ben Hardison and Camden Conekin [BGD '20], who met each other in high school.

Design Camp in a Box

Jun 21, 2021

Can You Teach Design From a Box? Design Lab Thinks So.

The Design Lab plans to offer two Digital Design Camps this summer. One week of Design Foundations for middle school students and one week of Design Explorations for high school students. This program will be an intensive, pre-college experience that introduces students to the fundamentals of design and the process of creating portfolio quality projects in a virtual studio environment.

LAR Students Working Outside

Jun 17, 2021

Navigating an Unfamiliar Landscape

College of Design faculty faced uncharted terrain - and persevered - when COVID-19 forced them to convert their landscape architecture studio to a hybrid model. A change of scenery was in order when Gene Bressler and Carla Delcambre embarked on their fifth year of teaching an introductory graduate landscape architecture design studio.

Derek Ham Portrait

Jun 16, 2021

Entertainment with Impact: Derek Ham Brings Art + Design’s Direction into Focus

It’s no secret that the Art + Design program is a leading force in training the next generation for careers in animation, game design and virtual reality.  However, according to Department Head Derek Ham, the world of academia has developed a stigma around one of the program’s most lucrative opportunities: the entertainment industry. In his…

Cover Sheet for Jillian Ford Forward Justice Center

Jun 14, 2021

Forward Justice: Architecture Students Present Designs for New Triangle Site

Architecture students were asked to design a new home for the Triangle's Forward Justice Center as their final project before the summer began. The organization's local office is currently a rental space; however, they now hope to find a permanent home to service over 2 million residents within the region.

Jun 14, 2021

Entrepreneurship Selects Five New Alumni for the 2021 Miller Fellowship

The Dr. Thomas Kenan Miller II Fellows Program supports newly graduated entrepreneurs who wish to pursue their venture full-time after graduation with resources and a monthly stipend. The graduates selected for this year’s cohort represent five university colleges and four unique startups.

Lewis Clarke and Sarah Zewde

Jun 8, 2021

Landscape Architecture Professor Lewis Clarke Passes Away at 94

Lewis Clarke, FASLA, passed away on Sunday, June 6, 2021. He catalyzed the evolution of American landscape architecture for over sixty-five years as a professor at the North Carolina State University School (now College) of Design and as a visiting lecturer at numerous universities.

Save the date for the Art2Wear Event on June 11, 2021

Jun 3, 2021

Advance into Art2Wear 2021: Tickets Now Available

In celebration of the College of Design's 20th annual fashion show, the department of Art + Design is ready to completely immerse audiences in their craft through its first-ever virtual reality experience.

GD503 featured story image

May 21, 2021

Whose data is it anyway? Ever had trouble accessing your own medical data?

How can the design of an intelligent interface empower patients to access secure personal data repositories, thus giving patients agency over their own medical data? Over the course of the semester our MGD studio collaborated with a team at IBM Watson Health, led by Debi Ndindjock, to find out.

Department Head Tsailu Liu in the Lampe Drive space under renovation

May 4, 2021

Early Champions for the New Design Center at 111 Lampe Drive

As renovations for the Design Center at 111 Lampe Drive continue to progress, students are preparing to utilize the blank spaces for fall 2021. A key aspect of this renovation is creating collaborative studio spaces that can support the numerous studio partnerships. One of those companies, Eastman, pledged a major gift to become the first partner to name a space in the new facility.

Leaders Council Featured Header

May 3, 2021

Diversifying Leadership: College of Design Leaders Council to Begin Recruitment

For members of the College of Design’s Leaders Council, there was no discernible tipping point, but rather a growing awareness that the NC State University board needed to diversify. Now, recruitment is in full effect.

Memorial Belltower

Apr 28, 2021

NC State Holds 2020-21 University Teaching Awards Virtual Ceremony

NC State honored winners of the 2020-21 University Teaching Awards in a virtual ceremony on Apr. 21.


Apr 15, 2021

Day of Giving 2021 Breaks Records for College Fundraising

On March 24, 2021 the College of Design took part in what would become its most successful Day of Giving in the three years of NC State hosting the event.

Apr 15, 2021

Charles Kahn, Carter-Finley Stadium Architect, Passes Away

Charles H. Kahn, FAIA, one of the original architects and engineers for NC State’s Carter-Finley football stadium, passed away at the age of 95 on April 8, 2021, at his home in Chapel Hill, NC.

NLI Students outdoors

Mar 30, 2021

LAEP Professor Robin Moore Receives Holladay Medal

LAEP Professor and Director of the Natural Learning Initiative, Robin Moore, has received NC State's highest honor for a faculty member.


Mar 24, 2021

Building an Impact: Architecture Alumnus Bolsters Student Travel Opportunities

In conjunction with NC State’s annual Day of Giving, alumnus Greg Cranford is making a $250,000 estate gift to support students studying abroad.

Memorial Belltower

Mar 23, 2021

Two Faculty Win Holladay Medal

Two faculty members received the Alexander Quarles Holladay Medal for Excellence, the highest honor bestowed by NC State and the university’s Board of Trustees. Chancellor Randy Woodson will recognize the awardees during a virtual Celebration of Faculty Excellence on May 4.

Rome - Colosseum

Mar 23, 2021

Students virtually explore Rome through new lecture series

The College of Design recently received a generous donation to fund a new study abroad experience in Rome, Italy for spring 2021. While finalizing the details last year, the COVID-19 pandemic continued to increase in severity, ultimately putting a stop to the in-person experience. But that setback ended up setting up the college for a virtual experience that brought increased accessibility to all.

Raney Wilson headshot

Mar 10, 2021

Raney Wilson: Why Scholarships Matter

Raney Wilson is a sophomore graphic design student in the College of Design from Saxapahaw, NC and a recipient of the Raleigh Hunter Scholarship in Visual Design. Hear how scholarships have impacted her experience at the college.

Tim Allen

Mar 1, 2021

Design Identities: Tim Allen

Tim Allen was named one of Fast Company's most creative people in business for 2017. He leads the global product design team at Airbnb, centered on design and inclusivity. His focus on fueling human potential is key to building products and cultures that inspire people to do their best work.

Professor Tom Barrie

Mar 1, 2021

Thomas Barrie Elevated to FAIA, Bringing College of Design up to Five

Thomas Barrie, FAIA, DPACSA, professor of architecture and director of the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Initiative, has been elevated to the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Architects.

Feb 25, 2021

Agents For Change: Black Excellence in the NC State Sustainability Community

Meet change agents advocating for an economically viable, environmentally sound and socially just campus community.

SCPN Spotlight Kofi Boone

Feb 24, 2021

SCPN Spotlight: Kofi Boone

Kofi Boone was recently featured by the State Climate Policy Network on the Importance of Community-Led Design in Creating Just and Livable Cities. All across the country, members of the State Climate Policy Network (SCPN) are fighting to make an impact on climate change in their communities.

Leazar Hall

Feb 23, 2021

Faculty and Staff: New Hires, Retirements, Accomplishments

Dear College of Design Community,  Hello everyone! I hope your semester is off to a great start. I wanted to take a moment to recognize a few accomplishments within our college, as well as a few changes in faculty and staff.  Accomplishments: Thomas Barrie has been accepted into the AIA College of Fellows! Tom’s writings connecting…

Edwin Harris Headshot

Feb 22, 2021

Design Identities: Edwin Harris

Co-founder of EVOKE Studio Architecture, Edwin Harris believes that remarkable architecture enhances the lives of its occupants. For over a decade, he has consistently generated exciting designs that are decisive, focused, and rooted in clear objectives and novel concepts.

Burak Erdim with Book Cover

Feb 22, 2021

Q&A with Burak Erdim on his new book, Landed Internationals

Professor Burak Erdim recently released a new book, Landed Internationals, and discusses it in this Q&A.

Feb 18, 2021

Winning Design Selected for SolarSpace

A new solar-powered outdoor space on campus is now one step closer to completion with a winner selected in the student design competition.

Charles Harbison

Feb 15, 2021

Design Identities: Charles Harbison

“I walked into this university thinking I would be an architect, and then I got in my first semester and fell in love with fabric manipulation,” says Charles Harbison, Art + Design graduate and founder and creative director of HARBISON. From there, he fell in love with fiber arts, tapestry, weaving, and textiles from around the world, and decided to switch to Art + Design and Textiles with the intent of pursuing fashion design in New York.

Feb 15, 2021

Annoucing the Inaugural 2021 STIR Impact Scholars

After a competitive process, twelve members of the NC State faculty and staff community were selected for the inaugural Spring 2021 Impact Scholars cohort as part of the Strengthening The Impact of Research (STIR) program. The selected scholars demonstrated their current and potential for future contributions to the University’s broader impact mission.

Al and Parker Platt

Feb 10, 2021

Al Platt Passes Torch to Son Parker as Next Leader of PLATT

This article is republished with permission from PLATT. Al Platt [M.Arch '75] and son Parker Platt [B.Arch. '99] are alumni of the School of Architecture at the NC State College of Design. Together, they operate PLATT, an architecture, construction, and interior design firm located in Brevard, NC.

Renee Seward Headshot

Feb 8, 2021

Design Identities: Renee Seward

Renee is an Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of the Communication Design program at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning. She is a graduate of the Graphic Design program at the University of Cincinnati in 2002 and received her Master’s from North Carolina State in 2008.


Feb 8, 2021

College of Design to Receive Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts

The College of Design will receive a $40,000 Grants for Arts Projects award to support its work with the Governor Morehead School for the Blind (GMS).

Breeze Outlaw

Feb 1, 2021

Design Identities: Breeze Outlaw

Breeze is a landscape designer interested in addressing the perceptual and physical interpretations of equitable and just access to public spaces. In zir work, zie explores frameworks of resilient sociocultural equity through futurism, cultural expressions, and natural systems.

Campus gateway

Feb 1, 2021

Libraries Receives Archive of Photographer John Mark Hall ’75

Renowned architecture and interior photographer John Mark Hall ’75 ascended to the top of his field while keeping NC State and the College of Design close to his heart. Thanks to Hall and his husband, John Waddell, the NC State Libraries will be home to the John Mark Hall Photography Archive.

Alumni Gateway

Jan 29, 2021

2020-21 University Faculty Scholars Named

NC State’s 2020-21 class of University Faculty Scholars was announced today. These 21 early- and mid-career faculty receive this designation in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements and contributions to NC State through their teaching, scholarship and service to the university and beyond.

Katherine Peele

Jan 21, 2021

Q&A with Katherine Peele: Why I Give

Katherine currently serves as the president of the College of Design Leaders Council, and is an alumna of the college. She and her husband Rick recently created a scholarship endowment to help design students focus on their studies, rather than their finances.

AJ Polanco DDes student

Jan 21, 2021

Closing in on a Doctorate

AJ Polanco is the first person in his cohort to successfully complete the academic requirements of the Doctor of Design (DDes) program.

excellence in assessment award for landscape architecture

Dec 23, 2020

Landscape Architecture Program Recognized for Excellence in Assessment

The Master of Landscape Architecture program has been selected as an inaugural honoree for NC State's Excellence in Assessment awards, given by the NC State Graduate School.

excellence in assessment award for architecture

Dec 23, 2020

Master of Architecture Program Recognized for Excellence in Assessment

The Master of Architecture program has been selected as an inaugural honoree for NC State's Excellence in Assessment awards, given by the NC State Graduate School.