Undergraduate Curriculum and Courses
Bachelor of Environmental Design in Architecture (BEDA)
The courses below, along with the studio series, constitute the required architecture coursework for the BEDA:
The four years of the BEDA curriculum are divided into:
- The First Year Experience (a common first year curriculum shared by all majors in the College of Design)
- The Second Year Concentrated Architectural Studies
- The Third Year Concentrated Architectural Studies
- The Fourth Year (study abroad, “swing” studios in other majors; design/build studio; and elective seminars).
Course Catalog (search by undergraduate, then use architecture for the subject)
- ARC 211 Natural Systems and Architecture
- ARC 232 Structures and Materials
- ARC 241 Introduction to World Architecture
- ARC 242 History of Western Architecture
- ARC 251 Digital Representation
- ARC 331 Architectural Structures I (Preq. ARC 232)
- ARC 332 Architectural Structures II (Preq. ARC 331)
- ARC 414 Environmental Controls Systems (Preq. ARC 211)*
- ARC 432 Architectural Construction Systems (Preq. ARC 232)
- ARC 441 History of Contemporary Architecture (Preq. ARC 242)*

Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) Fifth-Year Program
Students entering the B.Arch. program must have completed a four-year pre-architecture degree, such as the Bachelor of Environmental Design. It is expected that they will have fulfilled a curriculum similar to the BEDA at NC State. Any required courses that are missing must be taken as pre-requisites, and will be in addition to the 30 hours of the B.Arch.
Fall Semester
- ARC 501 Professional Architecture Studio I – 6 credits
- ARC 581 Project Preparation Seminar – 3 credits
- Architecture or College of Design Electives* – 6 credits
Total: 15 credits
Spring Semester Credits
- ARC 502 Professional Architecture Studio II – 6 credits
- ARC 561 Professional Practice Seminar – 3 credits
- Architecture or College of Design Electives* – 6 credits
Total: 15 credits
*Students may transfer into the B.Arch. degree up to 6 credits of graduate-level architecture electives, as along the credit hours have not been applied to a previous degree.
Course Catalog (search by undergraduate, then use architecture for the subject)