Graduate Courses and Curriculum
The MGXD (II) degree requires successful completion of 48 total credits, however students typically take advantage of additional coursework during their time at NC State.
The core curriculum consists of 6-credit studios and 3-credit seminars — Design Research Methods, Theoretical Frameworks in Design, Accessible Design and Final Project Preparation — in the first three semesters of study. Students are encouraged to augment their study during this time with 400 or 500 level elective coursework that enhances skills and/or investigates topics of interest. For instance, the program offers seminars on Graphic Design Pedagogy, Design Discourse & Typography, and Special Topics in Social Innovation. Students can enroll in 3-credit 400 or 500 level electives at NC State or at nearby Duke University or UNC/Chapel Hill under NC State tuition. The fourth semester is devoted to the Final Project Studio (9 credits) under the supervision of three faculty members comprising each student’s graduate committee.
Curriculum Displays
MGXD II – 4 Semesters
First Year, Fall Semester, 12 Credit Hours
- GD501 MGXD Design Studio I (6 Credits)
- GD571 Design Research Methods Seminar (3 Credits)
(If Track 3, an elective can be taken here) - GD573 Future of Interface Design (3 Credits)
First Year, Spring Semester, 12 Credit Hours
- GD502 MGXD Design Studio II (6 Credits)
- GD572 Theoretical Frameworks in Design Seminar (3 Credits)
- Elective (3 Credits)
Second Year, Fall Semester, 12 Credit Hours
- GD503 MGXD Design Studio III (6 Credits)
- GD581 Final Project Preparation Seminar (3 Credits)
- GD575 Accessible Design (3 Credits)
Second Year, Spring Semester, 12 Credit Hours
- GD588 Final Project Studio (9 Credits)
- Elective (3 Credits)
Sample Electives
(Must be 500 level inside the College of Design (COD); 400 level outside of the COD)
- GD574 Graphic Design Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Academia
(highly recommended for all future design professors!) - GD510 Special Topics in Social Innovation
- GD517 Special Topics in Typography
- ID582 Enterprise Design Thinking with Emerging Tech for Social Good (w/IBM)
- PSY420 Cognitive Processes
- PSY400 Perception
- COM436 Environmental Communication
- COM444 Film Production
- ENG517 Advanced Technical Writing & Education
- ENG/STS438 & ENG587 Responsible AI & Society (fall)
MGXD III – 2 Semesters
Note: After completing these two Track III semesters, students move into the Track II curriculum. The full course of study for Track III students is three years.
Fall Semester, 12-15 Credit Hours
- GD592/500 Foundations of Graphic Design (6 Credits)
- GD571 Design Research Methods Seminar (3 Credits)
- GD303 Graphic Design Theory (3 Credits)
Spring Semester, 12 Credit Hours
- GD400_001 Advanced Graphic Design Studio (6 Credits)
- GD592_002 Design Discourse and Typography (3 Credits)
- GD592_001 Tech Tinkering Seminar (3 Credits)
Graphic Design Electives
- GD203 Graphic Design History
- GD317 Typography II
- GD417 Typography III
- GD592 Design Pedagogy
- GD510 Special Topics in Social Innovation
- GD517 Special Topics in Typography
- ID582 Enterprise Design Thinking with Emerging Tech for Social Good (w/IBM)
- ENG/STS438 & ENG587 Responsible AI & Society (fall)