Professional Resources
- American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) https://www.asla.org/
- North Carolina Chapter of ASLA https://www.ncasla.org/
- Landscape Architecture Foundation https://www.lafoundation.org/
- The Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) https://thecela.org/
- Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards (CLARB) http://www.clarb.org/
- U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) https://www.usgbc.org/
- USGBC North Carolina: https://www.usgbc.org/community/usgbc-north-carolina
News, Publications and Websites:
- Landscape Architecture Magazine: https://landscapearchitecturemagazine.org/
- Design Boom: https://www.designboom.com/
- Dezeen: https://www.dezeen.com/
- Land 8 Landscape Architecture News: https://land8.com/
- The Dirt: https://dirt.asla.org/
- The Landscape Record: https://thecela.org/landscape-research-record/
Other resources:
- New Landscape Declaration https://www.lafoundation.org/take-action/new-landscape-declaration
- The Sustainable Sites Initiative: https://sustainablesites.org/
- World Landscape Architecture https://worldlandscapearchitect.com/
Internship Opportunities
There are many ways to learn about landscape architecture internship opportunities:
- The student-run NCSU-LAR Internship/Employment Hub
- ASLA’s Joblink
Local Landscape Architecture Firms
The Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning’s relationship with the profession is critical to our program mission. Our departmental definition of professional activity is broad and inclusive, including private and public realms, non-profit and humanitarian organizations, and a range of entrepreneurial and non-traditional design pursuits. We incorporate aspects of professional practice in virtually all the courses delivered by the program. This is reinforced in course syllabi and delivery, the department’s Practitioner/Student Mentor Program, our Landscape Architecture Lecture Series, and through various internship and fellowship opportunities.
The following firms have participated with our students and faculty:
- Aecom https://www.aecom.com/
- Andropogon Associates https://www.andropogon.com/
- Cline Design Associates http://www.clinedesignassoc.com/
- CLH Design https://clhdesignpa.com/
- Coaly Design https://www.coalydesign.com/
- ColeJenest & Stone | Bolton & Menk https://www.bolton-menk.com/
- Design Workshop https://www.designworkshop.com/
- EDSA – Planning, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design https://www.edsaplan.com/
- Equinox Environmental https://equinoxenvironmental.com/
- Flad Architects https://www.flad.com
- JDAVIS Architects https://www.jdavisarchitects.com/
- Kimley Horn https://www.kimley-horn.com/
- LandDesign https://landdesign.com/
- O’Brien Atkins Associates https://www.obrienatkins.com/
- Preston Montague https://www.prestonmontague.com/
- Ratio https://www.ratiodesign.com/
- Sears Design Group PA https://www.searsdesigngroup.com/
- Site Collaborative https://www.sitecollaborative.com/
- The Site Group https://thesitegroup.net/
- Sitework Studios https://siteworkstudios.com/
- Stewart Inc. http://stewartinc.com/
- Surface 678 https://surface678.com/
- Susan Hatchell http://susanhatchell.com/
- Timmons Group http://www.timmons.com/
- TMTLA Associates https://www.tmtla.com/
- Tributary Landscape Architecture https://www.tributarync.com/
- Withers Ravenel https://withersravenel.com/
For an exhaustive list of landscape architecture firms check out these resources: