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Degree Programs

Concurrent Degree Opportunities

MLA + Master of Architecture at NCSU

Landscape architecture students have the opportunity to earn a dual degree in both landscape architecture and architecture in either 3 or 4 years depending on experience.

Interested candidates should contact Carla Delcambre for additional information as these opportunities are customized based on students’ background and experience.

MLA + Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP) at UNC Chapel Hill

CDDL team

For graduate students with degrees in landscape architecture, architecture, or related design programs that are not LAAB accredited.

For graduate students obtaining concurrent degrees in architecture, urban design or urban planning.

Interested candidates should contact Carla Delcambre for additional information as these opportunities are customized based on students’ background and experience.

For other Graduate Certificate Programs that may be of interest to MLA students (GIS, Public Policy, and Horticultural Science), please visit the Graduate School website.