Design Lab K-12

The K-12 Digital Design Lab: Thriving Through Adaptation

Can You Teach Design From a Box? Design Lab Thinks So.

Design Camp Reflections: Skyler Bolyard

Hal Meeks Leads Students to Explore Animation Through Design Camp
![Ben Markoch [GD ’16] and Sunny Su [ID ’16]](’16-and-Sunny-Su-ID-’16.jpg)
Alumni Think Outside Traditional Design Firm Model

A Winning Start

Design Camp and TRIO Team up to Offer New Opportunities

Impacting Education with Design Thinking

Summer Camps Spark Lasting Interest

Diversity in Design

Aspiring Designers Share a Dream

Discovering Opportunities

Beyond their Wildest Dreams

The Design Camp Experience

Interning with Design Lab for K-12 Education

The Importance of Design