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Tania Allen

Interim Department Head and Associate Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology

Heather Allen Zucchino, MGIM

Assistant Professor of Practice in Media Arts, Design and Technology

Todd Berreth

Assistant Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology, Visual Narrative Cluster

Gregory Carter

Lecturer Media Arts, Design and Technology

Lee Cherry

Lead Manager of Digital Fabrication, Emerging Technology, and Innovation

Chandra Cox

Alumni Distinguished Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology

Kirby Culbertson

Lecturer, Media, Arts Design and Technology

Patrick FitzGerald

Associate Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology, Director of Graduate Programs in Media, Arts, Design and Technology

Maya Freelon

Asst Teaching Professor

Jedidiah Gant

Adjunct Professor, Media Arts, Design and Technology

Kate Greder, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Design Studies

Justin Johnson

Assistant Professor, Media Arts, Design and Technology

Ryan Khan

Virtual Production Lab Manager

Katherine Klinger

University Program Associate, Media Arts, Design and Technology

Chinhua Lin

Assistant Teaching Professor, Design Studies

Topher Maraffi

Assistant Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology

Hernan Marchant

Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology

Adrienne McKenzie

Media Arts, Design and Technology Lecturer

Iyare Oronsaye

Assistant Professor of Media, Arts, Design and Technology

Dana Raymond

Associate Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology, Emeritus

Kathleen Rieder

Associate Professor Emerita of Media Arts, Design and Technology

Marc Russo

Associate Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology

Andrés Tellez, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Design Studies

Sally Van Gorder

Assistant Teaching Professor of Media Arts, Design and Technology

Bess Williamson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Design Studies