2022 Designlife Magazine

From the Dean:
The spring 2022 issue of Designlife magazine is here! Our feature story celebrates the end of the Think and Do the Extraordinary campaign, and most notably, the many faces that not only made it our most successful campaign to date, but shaped the college and its direction, laying the groundwork for years to come.
This issue of our Designlife magazine is about you – the generous donors, warm friends, spirited alumni, hardworking faculty and staff, and ambitious students that make the College of Design not just a place to earn a degree – but a welcoming community focused on the very best that design can offer. You are the reason I give a toast to good design at each and every one of our college events.
— Mark Elison Hoversten, Ph.D., FASLA, FCELA, AICP, Assoc. AIA
This post was originally published in College of Design Blog.