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Max Cohen

Jan 7, 2025

NC State Creatives: Tatiana Veloso

To Tatiana Veloso, design has a powerful ability to connect individuals to each other and to the places they inhabit. A 2024 graduate of the Master of Landscape Architecture program, her work bridges the gap between art, science, and community engagement.

Portrait of Melissa Manjarrez Dominguez

Apr 11, 2024

Unity Through Design: Q&A with Melissa Manjarrez Dominguez

Raised in the heart of a community ravaged by cartel fighting, Melissa Manjarrez Dominguez witnessed firsthand the spread of violence and fear. Yet, amid the chaos, she also observed something remarkable – the power of certain spaces to bring people together, offering respite from the turmoil and fostering unity.

Portrait of Emily Burdo outside with sunflowers

Aug 29, 2023

Q&A | Emily Burdo on Embedded Counseling at the College of Design

Emily Burdo, LCSW, has taken on the role of a full-time embedded counselor at the College of Design. In her new capacity within the college, Burdo’s primary objective is to establish an inviting environment for personalized emotional support. Additionally, she aims to equip students with the necessary resources to explore various avenues of mental health assistance.

Iranian Mural Designed by Student Alan Yeh

Oct 10, 2022

For my sister, your sister, our sisters. 

Master of Industrial Design student Alan Yeh was approached by the NC State Iranian Student Association to spread awareness around the death of Mahsa Amini and the challenges Iranian women face.

Makayla Esposito Title Card

Oct 3, 2022

NC State Creatives: Makayla Esposito

Makayla Esposito is a graduate student in the NC State College of Design’s Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning program and she is passionate about making the invisible, visible.

Melissa Manjarrez Dominguez at her desk in the Landscape Architecture studio.

Sep 23, 2022

Latinx Voices of Design: Melissa Manjarrez Dominguez

Melissa Manjarrez Dominguez is a first-year graduate student in the college’s Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning program. In her story, she recalls her youth in Sinaloa, Mexico, her experiences facing anti-immigration legislation in Alabama, and her desire to create landscapes that are enriching and available to everyone.

jack lancaster playing banjo

Apr 12, 2022

Retired Materials Lab Instructor Jack Lancaster Passes Away at 79

Ibby Jackson Lancaster III, known as Jack or Jackie, passed away on March 29, 2022 after a brief battle with lung cancer. Jack worked at the College of Design for over three decades, and has made a lasting impression on generations of students.

Alumnus Chuck Flink in White House

Nov 22, 2021

The Path to Healing: Alumnus Chuck Flink and the 9/11 National Memorial Trail Act

Alumnus and landscape architect, Chuck Flink, recently accompanied President Biden, members of Congress for the signing of HR 2278, also known as The 9/11 National Memorial Trail Act, officially designating the trail as a part of the National Trails System. We spoke with Flink on how he became a leading advocate for greenway access and the role landscape architects can play in remembering historic events.

Jenny Tiet Portrait in Office

Aug 24, 2021

Q&A | Jenny Tiet on Advising for a Community

Jenny Tiet started a completely new position at the college in April with the mission of providing support to students experiencing academic difficulty and working with student organizations to help the design students feel a sense of community.

LAR Students Working Outside

Jun 17, 2021

Navigating an Unfamiliar Landscape

College of Design faculty faced uncharted terrain – and persevered – when COVID-19 forced them to convert their landscape architecture studio to a hybrid model. A change of scenery was in order when Gene Bressler and Carla Delcambre embarked on their fifth year of teaching an introductory graduate landscape architecture design studio.