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Graphic Design

Jan 2, 2019

Fall 2018 Commencement Address by Meredith Davis

Meredith Davis, Emerita Professor of Graphic Design was the Fall 2018 Commencement Address speaker (December 20, 2018 at the McKimmon Center). This is her speech.

Nov 14, 2018

Professor of Graphic Design Denise Gonzales Crisp

Learn more about Professor of Graphic Design Denise Gonzales Crisp's path through her design career and what led her to teach at the NC State College of Design.

Oct 31, 2018

Assistive Technology: Designing for Users’ Needs

Alexandra Grossi [MGD '17], who is profoundly deaf and relies on a cochlear implant for communication, used assistive technology and research to develop a thoughtful and user-centric masters thesis.

Aug 27, 2018

A Summer Internship for Success

NC State Design student, Kayla Watson, spent the summer in NYC participating in an internship that has solidified her career path in graphic design.

Aug 20, 2018

Alumnus Gives Back with Design

Alumnus Ryan Williams [BGD '18] is giving back to NC State College of Design in a unique and inspiring way. He is using his design talents to create new graphics and design systems for the Back-to-School BBQ.

Jun 19, 2018

DELTA’s College of Design Alumni Create and Share Experiences

DELTA’s New Media Development team includes several NC State alumni from the College of Design. We caught up with them to learn more about their experiences as students and how their backgrounds in design have impacted their creative work at DELTA.

Apr 30, 2018

The Designer’s Responsibility

NC State Design graphic design students collaborate with the National Civil Rights Museum to develop a VR exhibition experience for the MLK50 celebration.

Mar 22, 2018

The 13th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium

NC State Design was represented by thirteen Graduate students at this year's Graduate Student Research Symposium. The event includes more than 200 graduate students from across the University. Each poster submission is judged by a team of faculty and showcases outstanding quality and diversity of graduate research.

Mar 12, 2018

Diversity in Design

The Multicultural Design Student Association (MDSA) works to bring an understanding of different cultures to all, and encourages comradery and listening to someone with a different world view than your own.

Mar 8, 2018

Ryan Williams shares his Disney Internship Experience

Ryan Williams, a graphic design senior, interned with the Disney College Program in Lake Buena Vista, FL. As part of the internship, he received a behind-the-scenes look at the Magic Kingdom and learned how to use his design skills in a job that wasn’t design related.

Feb 13, 2018

Design Students Make Science Accessible

A collaboration between the College of Design and the College of Sciences is part of a multidisciplinary initiative aimed at interpreting complex scientific ideas with design, known as The Leading Strand.

Feb 2, 2018

Rethinking the Box

Graphic Designs students in GD 400 studio (Advanced Graphic Design Studio) were challenged to develop customizable secondary packaging through a collaborative partnership with Sealed Air. Thinking beyond traditional design to re-imagine and improve the experience.

Jan 25, 2018

I AM A Man | VR Civil Rights App

Associate Professor of Graphic Design Derek Ham, PhD, a 2017 Oculus Launch Pad competition winner for his Civil Rights VR app, I AM A Man, will be exhibited at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN this April.

Jan 19, 2018

Graphic Design Program Recognized as Top in Nation

The Graphic Design program in NC State’s College of Design is ranked in the top 1 percent of considered schools in the U.S., among public colleges in the U.S., and in the South! These rankings are from the Animation Career Review’s (ACR) Top 50 Graphic Design Schools and Colleges in the US–2018 Rankings.

Dec 20, 2017

Design for Good

Design It Forward, taking design thinking to make social change. A unique course by College of Design, IBM, Institute for Nonprofits and deserving clients.

Dec 6, 2017

Where Design and Culture Collide

NC State Design alumni Natalie Buda-Smith, Griffin Friedman, and David Rice, apply design thinking to optimize the Library of Congress’s internal processes.

Sep 28, 2017

Study Abroad in Greece: Integrating Culture and Diversity with Design

Study Abroad is an integral part of the curriculum at NCSU College of Design. Learn about a recent summer program in Greece: Design and Social Innovation

Sep 11, 2017

Looking Fine, Wolfline

NCSU Wolfline buses get a new modernized look thanks to two College of Design students, Ryan Williams and Hunter Williams.

May 9, 2017

Lulu eGames winfall for Ataristicians

The Lulu eGames start-up competition hosted three finalists from NC State Design this year including Atariasticians, a game-based program based on several modules that encourage students to learn more about statistics.

May 3, 2017

Design Faculty Members Receive Promotion or Tenure

Congratulations to seven of our NC State Design faculty who have advanced their careers through tenure and/or promotion, marking an important milestone in their academic careers!