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Art + Design

Apr 4, 2019

A Winding Road to Design

Stephen Waddell [BAD '19] has taken a non-traditional path to design from computer science to innovative technologies. He made the best of his time at NC State and shares his successful journey to design.

Mar 25, 2019

Designing for Activism and Advocacy

Art + Design graduate student Saige Martin is exploring design activism and advocacy to challenge people's perceptions and to push beyond their comfort zones.

Mar 7, 2019

The Nature of Public Art: Talent, Teamwork, and Time

Professor of Art + Design Chandra Cox spent 10-years designing and creating two light rail stations as part of Charlotte's CATS LYNX Blue Line (completed March 2018).

Feb 21, 2019

What Design Can Teach

Associate Professor of Art + Design Marc Russo is an innovative animator and storyteller. Learn about his current collaboration with 3-D animation to accompany a musical piece.

Nov 16, 2018

Seeing Possibilities

Losing her vision hasn't stopped Alyssa Padmos from creating her art - it has merely given her a new perspective on design.

Nov 15, 2018

Wrapping Lives in Design

Peg Gignoux [MID ’04] uses her textile designs to teach and inspire students and communities.

Nov 13, 2018

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Art + Design Susan Brandeis

Learn more about Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Art + Design Susan Brandeis, who has a legacy at the NC State College of Design of sharing her passion, know-how, talents, and wisdom for all things creative.

Nov 9, 2018

Introducing the Visual Narrative Faculty Cluster

NC State's Visual Narrative Cluster is driven to research the methods to tell stories - with technology and innovation - that no one else has.

Aug 22, 2018

A Winning Start to College

Incoming NC State College of Design freshman Victoria Kern is an aspiring artist with several major awards to her credit including the 2018 National Medalist by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards.

Jul 16, 2018

Pamela Jennings named new head of the Department of Art + Design

Pamela L Jennings has been named as the new head of the Department of Art + Design at NC State College of Design and begins her role on July 15, 2018.

Jun 19, 2018

DELTA’s College of Design Alumni Create and Share Experiences

DELTA’s New Media Development team includes several NC State alumni from the College of Design. We caught up with them to learn more about their experiences as students and how their backgrounds in design have impacted their creative work at DELTA.

Apr 18, 2018

An Influential Studio for Non-Design Majors

Associate Professor Pat Fitzgerald works with his ADN-111 students to remove their barriers to being creative as well as apprehensions, and encourages them to be empowered by their designs.

Mar 23, 2018

Emerging Technologies Explored

Advance design studios intentionally push the boundaries of innovation, technology & research. Professor of Art + Design Patrick FitzGerald has found that this experiential “think and do” learning process delivers the best results for his students. Recently, FitzGerald led ADN 560 with AR, VR and mixed media for fun.

Mar 22, 2018

The 13th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium

NC State Design was represented by thirteen Graduate students at this year's Graduate Student Research Symposium. The event includes more than 200 graduate students from across the University. Each poster submission is judged by a team of faculty and showcases outstanding quality and diversity of graduate research.

Mar 12, 2018

Interdisciplinary Collaboration Creates New Roles for Designers

Designers are known as image makers, but Todd Berreth is showing how designers can use technology & interdisciplinary collaboration to push design boundaries. NC State Visual Narrative Cluster: researchers who experiment with technology & communication to adopt innovative stories.

Mar 12, 2018

Diversity in Design

The Multicultural Design Student Association (MDSA) works to bring an understanding of different cultures to all, and encourages comradery and listening to someone with a different world view than your own.

Mar 8, 2018

Endless Opportunities

A quick Q&A with NC State College of Design student, Samantha Bratzke who is living the #Designlife in London for her study abroad experience at the University of the Arts London.

Mar 1, 2018

A Deserving Retreat

Department Head of Art + Design and Alumni Distinguished Professor Chandra Cox has taught at NC State College of Design for over 36 years. A Q&A about how time and technology have influenced design, the development of the Design Studies program, and what her plans for the future are.

Feb 26, 2018

New Technique Allows Printing of Flexible, Stretchable Silver Nanowire Circuits

Researchers at NC State have developed a new technique that allows them to print nanowire circuits on flexible, stretchable substrates.

Feb 13, 2018

Design Students Make Science Accessible

A collaboration between the College of Design and the College of Sciences is part of a multidisciplinary initiative aimed at interpreting complex scientific ideas with design, known as The Leading Strand.