The College of Design celebrated another successful Day of Giving on March 23, 2022 thanks to the generous gifts of donors, alumni, faculty, staff, students and friends, all of whom believe in the importance of design education.
Thanks to your support, the college was able to raise $474,885 from 373 gifts, exceeding last year’s 309 gifts by 21%. Dean Mark Hoversten and Associate Dean Sharon Joines urged on faculty and staff participants through internal challenges, which unlocked additional funds for the college.
This year saw a record number of first-time donors to Day of Giving – 153 individuals were first-time donors to Day of Giving. Thanks to their record support, a College of Design graduate student won the first-time donor challenge, making their first foray into philanthropy and bringing in an extra $1,000 in support.
The College of Design Leaders Council, an advisory board for the college comprised of alumni and friends, participated in the board challenge against other volunteer boards across NC State and placed third. Leaders Council members participated in Day of Giving not only by giving to the college but also by encouraging their friends, family, and colleagues to join them in supporting the College of Design. Leaders Council member Britt Davis won one of the You+2 challenges, a competition for all volunteer leaders who garnered support on Day of Giving from at least two other people.
The college was especially grateful for several leading gifts from John and Tracy Martin, Bill Burton and Donna Dayer and Cleon Hayes. We sincerely thank each of them for their continued support.
While busy raising awareness of college needs and impact throughout the hourly challenges and myriad calls to action, the design community had no shortage of memories and anecdotes to share with the public on social media:
Students and alumni also responded to our call for their favorite instructors:
With Day of Giving 2022 behind us, the team members at the College of Design are once again heartened by students, faculty, alumni, friends and family who believe in the importance of design education. Thank you all for your support!
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