Important Academic Calendar Updates

Dear Students,
As we approach the halfway point of our semester, I want to commend each of you for your hard work, dedication and flexibility as we navigate a new normal of online and hybrid learning. This semester has come with added challenges, and I encourage you to take care of yourself, mentally and physically. Please reach out to your instructors and the counseling center if you are experiencing undue stress and burnout.
Below are a few important dates for the remainder of the semester.
October 2 – Drop Deadline for Fall Semester
Please note that the final drop deadline for fall semester classes is this Friday, October 2 by 11:59 pm. Until this deadline, student-initiated schedule revisions can be made in MyPack Portal. All schedule revisions made after this date will require a Schedule Revision form for processing.
This is the last day to change to credit only at ALL levels. It is also the last day for graduate students to withdraw or drop a course, without a W grade.
Mid-October – Enrollment for the Spring Semester
As the Chancellor shared in his memo on Thursday, Sept. 24, the university is planning to offer hybrid and face-to-face courses for the spring 2021 semester. We are committed to supporting our students on campus and providing an optimal learning environment for each of you. With that in mind, please be aware that the opportunity to sign up for spring classes will be announced soon.
December 23 – S/U grading option deadline
An enhanced Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grading option is being offered to students enrolled in the current term for all undergraduate and graduate courses. Please discuss the difference of credit only and S/U courses with your advisor before making this change. The deadline to submit a request is December 23. If you are a graduating student, you must submit your request prior to your degree being posted, which is December 1. More information can be found here.
Mark Elison Hoversten, PhD, FASLA, AICP