Shop Safety Orientation and Workshops
Check this page to sign up for shop safety orientations and any workshop offerings.
Shop Safety Orientations
REQUIRED TO USE THE SHOP! Click below to register for upcoming classes. Orientations are offered in Fall & Spring Semesters and last for approximately 1.5 hours. Focuses primarily on the woodworking side of the shop, with brief overviews of metal and welding areas. Orientations may be signed up for up to 14 days in advance of the offering. Note: Orientations are front-loaded at the beginning of the semesters and then taper off, make sure you sign up as soon as possible.
Please wear closed-toed shoes to orientation!
New for 2024 – Badge Access for Shop Doors: Starting Spring 2024, the shop will employ badge access using your Campus ID card. Your credentials will not be entered into the system without in-person safety orientation completion starting Spring 2024, or completing an attestation form that you have completed Safety Orientation in a prior semester.
Notes: Orientations will often not be given on a one-on-one basis as it is intensive for staff and disruptive to shop use. If you are the only one in any given orientation class, please ask fellow classmates if anyone else needs orientation to join you. Otherwise, you may be asked to reschedule to a later date.
F.Y.E. (First Year Experience)- All incoming first-years into the College of Design are required to undergo FYE in the Fall. FYE students have their own specialized orientations that are coordinated with the Materials Lab staff and will occur mid-October of Fall Semester. All FYE participants must wait and take orientation at this time. They will not be able to access the shop until that time.

MIG Welding Intro Workshop – a small (limited to 3 people per class) intensive workshop to review the basics of MIG welding & welding safety. You’ll learn how to run a weld bead, and the basics of welding two pieces of metal together. This class is taught by Materials Lab Staff – Heather Durand. Click the button below to register for upcoming workshops. Workshops are offered periodically throughout Fall & Spring Semesters. Shop Orientation must be completed prior to taking a workshop.
Workshops may be signed up for up to 14 days in advance of the offering.

NEW! Metal Lathe Workshop – A small (limited to 10 people per class) intensive workshop to review the basic tooling with a metal lathe and demonstrations. This class is taught by Materials Lab Staff – Christian Karkow. Click the button below to register for upcoming workshops. Workshops are offered periodically throughout the Fall & Spring Semesters. Shop Orientation must be completed prior to taking a workshop.