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Faculty Resources Page

Using the Shop for a Class

The Materials Lab is a great resource for the College of Design. Quite a few utilize the shop for teaching, whether it’s a one off class taught in the shop or a semester long endeavor. Both; however, require prior coordination with shop staff. We encourage you to also read through the shop policy for using the shop for instruction.

Additional Faculty Resources

The Operations team worked hard to put together a comprehensive list of services and resources offered by the College of Design. Please feel free to add it to your syllabus to share the information with your students.

Research Opportunities

The Materials Lab is also open to discussing any potential research projects or grants faculty may be interested in pursuing. While we do have constraints in the shop for both space and electrical capacity, we do want to make sure we are keeping the resources in line with what the students & faculty of the college need. We are always open to discussions about potential needs and opportunities for collaborations. Email us at or book time with staff to discuss your needs. Click here to book a meeting with the shop manager.