College of Design: IT
The William Keating Bayley Information Technology Laboratory resources,
computing clusters and checkout services are available to College of Design faculty, staff and students taking College of Design courses.
The William Keating Bayley Information Technology Laboratory is traditionally open 77 hours per week during the fall and spring semesters. Checkout services are available during those hours. Hours will vary on University Holidays, Summer Semester Sessions, on days when classes are not in session, or during adverse weather.
Access may be limited when classes are using lab rooms.

The William Keating Bayley Information Technology Laboratory resources, computing clusters, and checkout services are available to College of Design faculty, staff and any students taking a College of Design course.

202-204 Brooks Hall
50 Pullen Road
Campus Box 7701
Raleigh, NC 27695
Phone: 919.515.3160.