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Feb 20, 2024

Laser Cutter Saw Stop Warning

Warning: Laser cut parts can trigger SawStop on Shop Table Saws! A by-product of using the laser cutter is the accumulation of carbon on the edges and surface faces of…

Feb 8, 2024

Laser Cutter Reservations

The College of Design has three Boss Laser System laser cutters available in Leazar Hall 220A, next to the Materials Lab, and two in Lampe Hall, 118 Maker Space. The laser…

Jan 3, 2024

Laser Cutter – Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Protective Goggles are not required in the Laser Cutter Room. As long as you keep the lid closed during operation you are relatively safe.  You may want to wear additional…

Jan 3, 2024

Laser Cutter – BOSS CO2 Laser Safety

Always use caution when operating a laser system. The BOSSLASER LS Series Laser Systems are a Class 4 laser product, as defined in International Standard IEC 60825-1. This laser machine is a Class IV…

Jan 3, 2024

Laser Cutter – Loading Material & Auto-Focus Laser

Before laser processing material, you will need to load material into the laser system and then auto-focus the laser assembly system onto the top surface of the material.   Be sure…

Jan 3, 2024

Laser Cutter – LightBurn Preparation

Using Illustrator, we can prep our vector file for use in LightBurn. Using LightBurn we can prep the vector file for the laser cutter. LightBurn Laser Cutter Software Tutorials (Online)

Jan 3, 2024

Laser Cutter – Vector vs Raster Laser Cutting

Using LightBurn, the Boss laser systems can operate in one of a variety of cutting modes.  Vector cutting depth and raster engraving depth (or marking intensity if you are surface…

Jan 3, 2024

Laser Cutter – Selecting the BOSS Laser

Selecting the Laser Cutter Machine in LightBurn Initially, after your first log-in on a machine you may be required to select the laser cutter from the installed USB devices on…

Jan 3, 2024

Laser Cutter – Powering Up BOSS Laser

Fume Extraction for the Boss Laser Cutter System Before turning on the Boss Laser Cutter System, be sure that the main Fume Extraction Air Handling System is operating properly and running. In…

Jan 2, 2024

Laser Cutter – Post Processing Cut Parts & Pieces

Lifting the Laser Cutter Bay Door Always wait until the cutting material off gasses and the smoke clears from the cutting chamber before opening the door (approximately 3-5 minutes).  FAILURE…