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William Keating Bayley

On April 17, 2015, the William Keating Bayley Information Technology Laboratory was officially dedicated in honor and memory of Bill Bayley, our long-time Director of Information Technology. The NC State University Board of Trustees approved the naming in recognition of Bill’s dedication and many years of service to the College and University. Bill passed away in November 2014 after retiring in July 2013.

Bill earned his Bachelor of Product Design in 1974 from what was then the School of Design and served here with distinction from 1975 to 2013.

Dean Marvin Malecha made these comments when announcing Bill’s retirement at the May 2013 Commencement ceremony—

“(Bill’s) career is best characterized as an experience of continual transformation. He began by overseeing the photography laboratory, camera and equipment check out and a host of other responsibilities including chronicling the life of the College through photography. His early experience of watching over a basement workshop of blueprint machines and a cage of equipment has been dramatically changed by new technologies. Since 1994 Bill has been a key figure, a leader, in the evolution of what we now know as the Information Technology Laboratory…His career is an exemplar of life-long learning and the agile spirit.”

“There is no more caring or gentle spirit when it comes to the attention he has given to our students. Even under the pressure of limited budgets and the demands of individuals who only recognize that everything from plotting to software updates must be faster and faster, he never forgot that his first responsibility is to the learning environment. Bill, your spirit has infused our College as forcefully as any other individual who has ever been a part of our community. I have valued every opportunity to work with this gentleman of design. Bill, thank you.”

Many alumni will remember Bill’s years in “The Cage” providing a variety of services to the community here. Bill’s behind-the-scenes work, gracious attitude and incredible customer service touched thousands of students’ lives and were an example to be followed. We continue to miss him.