Design Intelligence Annual Survey of the Best Architecture + Design Schools

It’s that time again when DesignIntelligence seeks feedback from professionals across the country to rate the Best Architecture + Design Schools. We encourage you to participate in the DesignIntelligence survey. Although these rankings represent a condensed view of a school’s overall performance, they have shown to have a significant impact on increasing student enrollment and attracting institutional support with respect to funding and faculty positions.
The survey requires about 15-20 minutes of your time and can be completed in more than one sitting should you need to exit and return to complete it at a later time. Survey respondents must be in a leadership position qualified to hire employees. Individual responses will be kept confidential but a listing of all responding firms may be published. Your valued input in this survey will enhance NC State College of Design as a program that is best preparing students for success in the design profession.
Please use the following links to access the surveys. If you hire in more than one discipline we invite you to complete a survey for each discipline for which you hire. The survey will close on Friday, May 26, 2017.
Landscape Architecture
Industrial Design
Results will be published in the third quarter edition of DesignIntelligence Quarterly which will be released towards the end of September 2017. Last year we were unable to publish the results of the Industrial Design discipline due to insufficient participation. We hope to publish the results from all four disciplines this year. However, results will be published only if an adequate sample size is achieved.
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