University’s Research Leadership Academy Recipients
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Sharon Joines, Professor of Industrial Design, and Dr. Wayne Place, Professor of Architecture, are the recipients of NC State University’s Research Leadership Academy and 2016-2017 Alumni Association Outstanding Research Award. They are also the very first Research Award winners from College of Design.
Dr. Joines and Dr. Place were among 28 exceptional NCSU faculty nominated for this prestigious award, with the committee tasked with choosing only 12 awardees. The recipients of this award were chosen based on their leadership and mentoring activities with pertinent evidence of the impact their research and scholarship has had on their discipline, on NC State, and on society. The awardees will be recognized at the 2017 Faculty Awards and Mathews Medal Ceremony to be held on April 26th at the Park Alumni Center, and receive a monetary award of $4,000.
As a lifetime member of the Research Leadership Academy, the awardees will take an active role in promoting the research enterprise across campus for at least three years.
The Research Leadership Academy was established in 2016 to promote a culture of research leadership at NC State. It complements two other groups honoring NC State faculty, the Academy of Outstanding Teachers, managed by the Office of Faculty Development, and the Academy of Outstanding Faculty Engaged in Extension, managed by the Office of Outreach and Engagement.
The Research Leadership Academy operates as the faculty-driven epicenter for the development and implementation of best practices in the empowerment of research faculty at all levels at NC State.
Membership in the Academy is lifetime as long as the member is associated with NC State with a commitment of active service to the Academy for a minimum of three years.
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