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Enable pre-K-12 administrators and teachers to implement an after-school music enrichment program in their schools.

The people, mission and context

The mission of Kidznotes is to catalyze social change by providing comprehensive music education, leadership opportunities, and character-building experiences to children with the fewest resources and the greatest need. The project needed to take into account several personas including Kidznotes volunteers and employees, school administrators, teachers, parents and students.

The problem

Kidznotes was suffering from a lack of enrollment due to inefficiency and unclear program setup directions. In order to increase enrollment, the team needed to focus on designing a way for administration to collaborate with Kidznotes to promote and launch within a 3 month time period.

The solution

The team came-up with the idea of a progressive plan to promote engagement and awareness. In the first phase of the Kidznotes Kitz program, there was a focus to help prepare introductions letters and swag to help the administration prepare for recruitment.

In the the second phase of the program, receivers of the swag and other information material would receive a kit that would help them participate in local pep rallies and encourage more connection between future members and the program.

In the final phase, the design team proposed a digital solution, extending the website platform into a mobile app that would allow for a more connected outreach experience top future members as well as allowing for a more streamlined operational approach.

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