Conference Schedule

Unless otherwise noted, all conference programming will take place in the College of Design in one of our three main buildings:

Brooks Hall
50 Pullen Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607

Leazar Hall
2230 Stinson Dr, Raleigh, NC 27607

Kamphoefner Hall
2221 Katharine Stinson Dr. Raleigh, NC 27607

THURSDAY. February 27

12:00 – 5:00 | Registration |  Allred Gallery, Kamphoefner Hall

12:00 – 1:00 | Welcome Luncheon for Workshop Participants | Brooks Hall (3rd Floor)

1:00 – 5:00pm | Early Academics’ Retreat | Brooks Hall (3rd Floor)

1:00 – 5:00pm | Design Thinking in K-12 Education Retreat | Kamphoefner 130

5:00 – 7:00 pm  | Opening Reception and Networking | ALoft, Hillsborough Street.

Friday, February 28

8:00 – 5:00 | Registration |  Allred Gallery, Kamphoefner Hall

9:00 – 10:30 | Opening Session | Burns Auditorium, Kamphoefner Hall


10:45 - 12:15pm | Paper and Project Session 01

1A | Tools for Representation

Burns Auditorium | Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Matthew Shea

TRUE STORIES: comment je suis venu à aimer le canapé en velours rouge | Author: Ambroziak, Brian (University of Tennessee)

House of Play: The Joy of Sectional Exploration | Author: Barakat, Hala (Washington State University)

Estrangement and Reconciliation: Exploring the Limits of Neufert | Authors: Peñalver-Izaguirre, Maria De Los Angeles (Texas A&M University); Jimenez Iniesta, David (Texas A&M University)

The Unrolled Surfaces of History: Retooling Historic Indigenous Structures for the Beginning Design Student | Author: Mitchell, Bailey Morgan Brown (Oklahoma State University)

Working Drawing and Tall Order: Tools of Making, Tools of Discovery | Authors: Smith Loerts, Rachel;
Fitzpatrick, Lynn; Kuhns, Alyssa; Terry, Laura – Arkansas (University of Arkansas)

1B | Tools for Beginning Design Pedagogy

Room 321B | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Yuanqing Tian

Beyond Grading: Alternative Assessment in Beginning Design | Author: Bordelon, Louise (University of Colorado Denver)

A Tool for Reinforcing Learning Outcomes: A Case Study for Course Alignment | Authors: Browning, Lara; Nicolette, Matthew; Slyce, Hannah.

Teaching Collaboration as a Tool in the Architecture Studio | Authors: Hambright-Belue, Sallie (Clemson University); Costanzo, Salvatore; Treash, Caileigh; Ulloa, Valerie.

Architecture Without Buildings: Creative Thinking as Disruption | Tiffany Lin

1C | Tools for Critical Reflection on Digital Technologies

Room 312 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Tharique De Silva

The Analog Digital: Historical Techniques as 21st Century Design Tools | Author: Fayyad, Iman (Harvard University)

Abstraction and Figuration in the Age of Digital Tools | Author: Fordham, Clifton (Temple University)

Architecture Makes Strange Bedfellows: The Workmanship of Risk and Certainty in Digital Design Education | Author: Singeisen, Scott (North Carolina Central University)

Translation as Tool: Revisiting the role of the drawing (and dance) in the post-digital landscape | Author: Kanter, Jordan

AI as a Tool for Beginning Design Students: Reflections from a Case Study on Generative AI in an Introductory Design Course | Authors: Téllez, Fabio Andrés (North Carolina State University);
Parrish, Leigh Ann (Appalachian State University)

1D | Tools for Experience & Perception

Room 316 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Kathleen Kambic

The Art of Perception: A Pedagogical Approach to Sensory-Informed Design in the First-Year Studio| Author: Dottin, Danielle

Designing Spaces for Children: Tools for Implementing Research and Phenomenology in Architectural Education | Author: McDonald, Rosa (North Carolina State University)

Multisensory Storytelling in Architecture: A Pedagogical Tool for Experiential Engagement and Narrative Design | Author: Motamedi, Shooka

Vision training for designers: a new pedagogical model | Authors: Proietti, Tiziana (University of Oklahoma);
Gepshtein, Sergei

Exploring Sunlight in Architecture as a Tool of Student Imaginative Transformation | Temple, Stephen (University of Texas San Antonio)

12:15 - 1:45 | Lunch | Brooks Hall, 3rd Floor

12:30 – 1:30 | Lunch Special Session: What Should Beginning Design Be? Part 1 | Location: Room 318, Brooks Hall

1:45 – 5:00 | Special Session Tools for Accommodating Mental Health: Creating Inclusive, Accessible Learning Structures | Location: Room 130, Kamphoefner Hall


1:45 - 3:15 | Paper and Paper Session 02

2A | Project Session: Tools for Disruption

Burns Auditorium | Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Raja Bandari

Casting Shadows with a New Solar Geometry Drafting Tool |  Author: Madison Cook

Bridging Craft and Industrial Processes in Beginning Design Education: An Experiential Approach | Authors: Richard Elaver; Derek Eggers

Ecological Issues as Infographics | Author: Sara Codarin

Tooling with GenAI: Case Studies on Success and Impact for Design Education Beginners | Joshua Pridemore, Jena Marble, Yiqi Xiao

REVIVAL ARCHITECTURE | Author: Yazmín M. Crespo Claudio, John Clark, Carmen Mata

Designing Aphasia Support – The Cut-ups Project and Narrative Storytelling | Author: Todd Berreth

From Exposure to Inclusion: Lessons from the Design Lab for K-12 Education & Outreach | Author: Ashley Davis

Stack Mentorship Program (SMP): Diversity + Success | Author: Irene Hwang, Andrew Chin, Akima Brackeen

Teaching Students About Civil Rights Movement in Design Project | Author: Tanya Shanklin

Beyond Representation: Reframing Technology through Computational Image-Making | Author:  Leanna Humphrey

Enhancing Design Education: A Multi-Level, Intercollegiate Soft Skills Workshop | Authors: Amanda Gale, Stephanie Sickler 

2B | Tools for Representation

Room G40, Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Lauren McQuistion

All Together Now: Affordances of Combined Pedagogical Tools in Architectural Structures Education | Stephanie Bunt

Designing the Future of Retail: Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration in Industrial Design and Architecture Design | Author: Yong-Gyun Ghim, Ming Tang

From Weaving Wall to Vertical Farm: How the arts can promote interdisciplinary, holistic, real-world connections | Authors: Rebeccah Tuscano-Moss, Theodore Sawruk

Shaping Minds + Spaces: The Role of Contextual Behavioral Science in Architectural Education | Author: Chloe Huval

Immersive Tools: Large-Scale Physical Models and the Search for Kairotic Time | Authors: Kevin Barden, Ross G. Wienert

2C | Tools for Analysis and Translation

Room 321B, Leazar Hall

Moderator: Bailey Morgan Brown Mitchell

From Precedents to Companions: Bridging Architectural Analysis and Design in Beginning Design Studio | Authors: Shirley Dongwei Chen, James Michael Tate

Translation, Transformation and Reinterpretation of Precedent Imagery Through Mixed-Media Drawing | Author: Ken Filler

The Constructive Means: Re-Combinatory Design, an Architectural Alchemy | Steven Quevedo

Diagram as Tool: Bridging the Analytical and Synthetic Processes | Author: Matthew Shea

Tools of Translation: From Drawing to Making and Back Again | Cait McCarthy

2D | Tools for Interdisciplinarity & Collaboration

Room 316, Leazar Hall

Moderator: Jarrett Fuller

Lost in Translation: Strategizing Tools for Collaborative Learning | SunMin May Hwang, 
Benjamin J. Smith, Juanjuan Wu

Bridging Disciplines: Introducing Design Thinking in Non-Design Fields for Problem-Solving and Innovation – A Pilot Course Case Study | Taylor Metz

Interdisciplinary Tools for Emerging Designers | Jennifer Smith

Workshops as Tools for Agility, Collaboration, and Disruption | Rachael Paine, Bree McMahon,  Johnathon Strube, Piper Schuerman

Tools as Systems of Making | Author: Pratana Klieopatinon

2E | Tools for Housing Studios

Room 312, Leazar Hall

Moderator: Keif Schleifer

Rethinking House and Site as Tools of Disruption in Beginning Design | Author: Burak Erdim

A Collaborative Citywide Design Studio | Author: Andrew Hart

Modern Problems; Radical Tradition: Exploring True Sustainability in a Second-year Residential Design Studio | Author: Paul Monson

Empower Design Beginners: Teaching Effective Carbon Sequestration Strategies in Housing Projects | Authors: Sonsoles Vela, Ruben Garcia


3:30 - 5:00 | Paper and Paper Session 03

3A | Tools for Analyzing Beginning Design Pedagogy

Burns Auditorium | Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Raja Bandari

Foundational Design Studio: Evolutions in Pedagogy Over a Five Year Span | Authors: Ken Filler, Joseph McKenley

Beginning and Ending with Fundamentals: A Comprehensive Approach to Design Complexity | Author: Ryan Hargrove

(Re)Tooling: A Taxonomy of Design Studio Responses | Authors: Claudia Hernandez Feiks,  Ting Chin

An Analysis of Design: Exploration Through the NCBDS Archive | Author: Jessica Oberg

Closing the Loop: Feedback as a Driver of Curriculum Evolution | Authors: Brad Deal, Kaden Beilman

3B | Tools for Integrating AI in Beginning Design

Room G40, Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Andres Tellez

Using AI-Image Generation to Visualize Site Forces in Architecture | Authors: Sara Codarin,  Rebecca Garma

Can AI Teach Design Fundamentals? Exploring AI-Assisted Feedback for Early Architectural Design Iterations | Authors: Newton Dsouza, Mohammad Dastmalchi, Sam Moshaver

After Image Culture: From AI Materials to Material Tectonics | Author: Nero Chenxuan He

UX UI Student Perspective on Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools | Author: David Oh

From Craft to Digital: A Generative AI Method for Architectural Composition and Design | Authors: Benjamin Ennemoser, Hans Steffes

3C | Tools for Experience & Perception

Room 312, Leazar Hall

Moderator: Brian Ambroziak

Space Within a Wall: Tools of Architectural Resistance and Memory in Contested Spaces | Author: Hala Barakat

Model as Simulacrum: Synergies Between Model Building and Photography in the Design Studio | Authors: Andrew Hart, Eric Bellin

An Analogue Approach to Digital Photography: A Method to Encourage Experimentation and Risk-taking in the Creative Process | Author: Katie Graham

Cinematographic Urban Portraits: Film as a Multidimensional Mapping Tool of Physical Form and Sociocultural Aspects of the City | Author: Charlott Greub

Tooling of Phenomenology and Deconstructivism in First-Year Design Studio | Authors: Mine Hashas-Degertekin, Trace Gainey

3D | Tools for Making

Room 321B, Leazar Hall

Moderator: Lee-Su Huang

Stitching Structures: Sewing Soft Constructions in Design Foundations | Author: Virginia Melnyk

Tailor Made | Author: Keith Peiffer

Tools for Understanding Place And People: The Clothesline Project | Authors:  Emily Smith, Sara Reed

The Wire Hand: An Instrument of Observation, Abstraction, Transformation, … and a Collective Spectacle | Author: Greg Snyder

Weaving the Storm | Author: Tamar Zinguer

5:00 – 6:00pm | Keynote Reception | Location: Allred Gallery and Courtyard, Kamphoefner Hall

6:00 7:00pm | Keynote Lecture | Location: Burns Auditorium, Kamphoefner Hall

Dinner On Your Own

Saturday, March 01

8:00 – 12:00 | Registration |  Allred Gallery, Kamphoefner Hall


9:00 - 10:3am | Paper and Project Session 04

4A | Project Session: Evolution of Tools

Burns Auditorium | Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Raja Bandari

Custom Glow: Empowering Students to Design and 3D Print Unique Bespoke Lighting | Jake Tucci, Jinoh Park

Ten (Extra-)Canonical Huts: Vernacular Analysis as a Tool for Climate-Responsive Beginning Design Education |  Aurelie Frolet

Between Line and Image | Donghwan Moon

Shared Resources: Tools for a Novice Forager | Katie Stranix

Start with the Existing | Stephanie Davidson

Designing with Artificial Intelligence: Integrating AI as a Collaborative Partner | Ira Concepcion

Using Objects as Tools for Building Empathy: An Interdisciplinary Climate Issues and Activism Course | Saskia Van Kampen

Inputs + Outputs Workshop: Introducing Microcontrollers, Sensors, and Interactive Elements in the Context of a Human-Centered Industrial Design Studio Project | Connor Irwin

Exploring the “Physdigital” in Design Education | Cat Normoyle, Megan Irwin 

New Partners in Design: The Human-Robot Collaboration | Eleanor Pries, Kohar Scott

4B | Tools for Making

Room G40, Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Rosa McDonald

Repair As a Radical Teaching Tool | Author: John Dixon

Beyond the Finish Line: Disrupting Traditional 3D Modeling Education in Industrial Design | Author: Hernan Gregorio

Toolkits of Agency: Teaching Process Before Product in Beginning Design | Adriana Elser, Kristin Barry

Upside Down Tools: Reverse Engineered Intelligent Design Aids | Authors: Jonathan Dessi-Olive, Peter Wong

4C | Tools for Exploring Narratives in Design

Room 312 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Shawn Protz

Reclaiming Narratives: Storytelling as a Tool for Design Empowerment in Architecture | Author: Teisha Bradley

Counter-Narratives and Collage: Engaging Diverse Voices through Critical Design Methods | Authors: Venesa Alicea-Chuqui, Gina Fernandes

If This, Then That: Tools for Translation | Author: Eilís Finnegan

Reconstructing Ambiguities: Reclaiming the Grid as an Analytical Tool for Historical Digital Modeling | Authors: Elif Ozturk, Victoria Szabo,
Augustus Wendell

The Game: De-tooling, Re-tooling, and Rule-ing to Foster Soft Skills in an Interdisciplinary First-Year Studio | Authors: Lucy Satzewich, Sarah Young

4D | Tools for Digital Fabrication

Room 310 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: David Hill

Retooling an Approach to Introducing Architectural Design | Author: Sean Burns

Tools at Scale: CNC Fabrication Pedagogy in Large Class Settings | Author: Lee-Su Huang

Tangible Hybrids: Integrating Digital Fabrication and Manual Craftsmanship in Architectural Education | Authors: Marc-Eduard Ihle,
 Benjamin Ennemoser, James Michael Tate

Tacit Learning + Robotics: Rethinking Material Agency in Design | Author: Santiago Perez

Beyond Precision: A Process-Driven Approach to Introducing Digital Fabrication | Author:  Zach Seibold

4E | Tools for Representation

Room 316 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Leanna Humphrey

Not Buildings, Rocks: Retooling the Technical Substrate of Beginning Representation | Author: James Piccone

Experimentation and Exploration of Technology and Artistry Through the Use of Project Platforms in Beginning Animation Classes | Author: Marc Russo

Virtual Visualization as Techne: Reflections on Adaptation, Entanglement, and Impact in the Architecture Studio | Authors: Masataka Yoshikawa, Julia Kiernan

Embracing Complexity: Teaching Design with Flexible Tool Frameworks | Author: Liese Zahabi

Animation as Iteration: The Role of Animation as a Design Tool in Early Architectural Education | Authors: Jia Zhou Zhu, Teddy Slowik


10:45am - 12:15pm | Paper and Project Session 05

5A | Project Session: Evolution of Tools

Location: Burns Auditorium | Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Shawn Protz

Off the Deep End: A Reversed Pedagogy for Learning BIM | Author: Lee-Su Huang

The AI Analytique: Diffusion Models as Conceptual Catalysts | Author: Lee-Su Huang

Designing Using Algorithms, 3D Printing and Artificial Intelligence in an Iterative Process | Armando Araiza

Learning Tools: Exploring Modularity as Play Through Building Blocks |  Rosa McDonald

Access Games: Hands-on Approaches to Understanding Design for Disability | Julia McMorrough

State of the Field: Expanding Architectural Theory for Undergraduate Design Students | Lauren McQuistion

Soft Spaces: Integrating Augmented Reality and Craft in Beginning Design Education with Low-Cost Materials | David Jimenez Iniesta, Maria De Los Angeles Peñalver-Izaguirre, Marc-Eduard Ihle, Hans Steffes,
Benjamin Ennemoser, Shirley Dongwei Chen

Design Thinking for Non-Designers: Empowering Creativity Through Digital Tools | Joshua Pridemore, Jena Marble

Finding Balance: Physical and Digital Explorations |  Stephen Skorski

Digitizing the Analog World | Kwesi Daniels

Building Student Soft Skills in Experimentation and Curiosity through Hybrid Design Methods | Ellen Christensen

5B | Tools for Universal Design & Inclusive Pedagogy

Location: Room G40, Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Bess Williamson

Extraordinary Tools: Neurodiversity, the Inclusive Studio, and the Challenges of Beginning Design |  Kristin Barry, Nettie Meeks

Tools of Engagement: Experiments in Pedagogy for a Diverse Student Body | William Fryer, Eugene Seungho Park, Yan (Rain) Wang, Ammr Vandal

Tools for Building Creative Confidence in the First-Year Studio Curriculum | Matthew Jones, Kate Horton

Mindful Pedagogies: Interdisciplinary Design Studio Approaches for Building a Healthy and Empathetic Practice |  Eric Bellin, Loukia Tsafoulia

Extrinsic Choices in Student Design Projects: The Toolkit of Greater Student Agency in Beginning Studio Assignments | Author: Cesar Cruz

5C | Tools for Making

Location: Room 321B | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Enya Moore

The Hand as an Intelligent Tool | Rachel Smith Loerts, Alyssa Kuhns, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Laura Terry

Embracing (im)Perfection: Integrating Tradition and Technology | Derek Toomes,
Stoel Burrowes

Model Pedagogy | Christopher Welty, Arief Setiawan

Tooling Sympathetic Materials within the Architectural Artifact | Nicholas Wickersham

Sculp | Contain | Inhabit | Site (v.): 1st Semester Architectural Design Studio | Will Wittig

5D | Tools for Design Thinking

Location: Room 316 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Victoria Farrow

CampARCH Quick Shifts |  Weiling He

Re-Tooling of a Foundation | Christopher Pritchett, James Bassett

Tools as Catalysts for Empowerment, Customizing Design Solutions for Tomorrow’s Challenges | Zahra Rasti

From Words to Works: Harnessing Language as a Critical Tool for Navigating Uncertainty in Design | Author: Nicholas Brinen

5E | Tools for Design Thinking & Empathy

Location: Room 312 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Marcia Lopes de Mello

Harnessing Empathy as a Design Tool: Transformative Implications for a Beginning Design Studio Memorial Project | Laura Battaglia

New Tools for Empathy: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Incorporating More-Than-Human Perspectives in Experience Design Education | Valeria Lopez Torres

Nurture over Nature, Revisited: IRL Strategies Learned from Black Boxes | Dave Pabellon, Victor Zagabe

Enhancing Student Agency in Design Education Using Graphical Reflection Tools (GRT) | Keif Schleifer, Michael Frush

5F | Tools for Making

Location: Room 310 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Virginia Melnyk

From Object to Agent: Reimagining the Machine in the Age of the Anthropocene | Angela Bracco

Hang Time: Modeling and Imaging Shells | Molly Dalsin, Federico Garcia Lammers

MycoDwelling Studio: Integrating Biomaterials in Architectural Design Education | Benay Gursoy

Aesthetic Microstructures: Exploring Nacre Microstructures and Digital Design Thinking in Foundational Design | Edgar Garcia Carrasco, Jessica Hernandez

Bridging Digital and Physical: Using Augmented Reality for Modularity and Seriality in Architecture | Benjamin Ennemoser

12:15 – 1:45 | LUNCH | Rotunda & West Gallery, Brooks Hall (3rd Floor)

12:30 – 1:30 | Special Session What Should Beginning Design Be? Part 2 | Room 318, Brooks Hall | Moderators: Tim McGinty, Don Gatzke, Patricia Morgado

12:30 – 2:45 | Special Session NCBDS Board Lunch | Room 130, Kamphoefner Hall


1:45pm - 3:15pm | Paper and Project Session 06

6A | Project session: Tools of the trade

Burns Auditorium | Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Burak Erdim

Emerging Design Tools for Deep Energy Retrofits | David Shanks

Spatial Organization and the Devices of Composition | Kathleen Kambic

Analog Tools in Handcrafted Computational Design: Designing the Process, Not the Object | Diego Camargo

Learning Through Full-Scale, Site-Specific Making: Spatial Engagement Tools for Beginning Design Students | William Mangold

Boatbuilding: An Architectural Microcosm |  Michael McGlynn

Woven Projections: Abstract Interpretations + Sustainable Adaptations |  Margaux Schindler

Pen, Paper, Pixel: An Examination of Sketch-to-Image Generative AI’s Relevance in Early Concept and Design Development |  Tharique De Silva

Time Telling, Sound Making: The Tower as a Pedagogical Instrument | Madison Cook

Bridging the Gap: AI, Analog Techniques, and Foundational Architectural Representation | Kyle Spence

Prototyping Urban Infill: Enhancing Iterative Design in Undergraduate Housing Studios | Terri Bullard, Francesco Cianfarani

Bridging Academia and Industry: Reflection Tools as Catalysts for Evolving Design Education and Internship Practices | Byungsoo Kim, Scott Barton

Design-Building House 1 – The Bear | Robert Michel Charest

6B | Tools for Critical Reflection on Digital Technologies

Room G40, Kamphoefner Hall

Moderator: Nero Chenxuan He

Post-Digital Processes | Emilija Landsbergis

Design Media as a Tool: Leveraging Technology as a Counterpart to Theory and Technical Design |  Madison Sabatelli

SUCCESS BY ASSOCIATION: Combinatorial Subjectivities For Comparative Design Ideation | Ben Schoenekase

From Social Media to Scholarly Discourse: Retooling Education for the Digital Generation | Stephen Mallory,
Scott Shall

6C | Tools for Design Thinking

Room 321B | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Keith Peiffer

Skills Immersion Toward Mastery: Beginning Design Studio as Concept, Tool, and Software Intensive | Kristin Barry, Nick Adams, Isabel Anderson, Ethan Orion, Alezandria Purdue, Nashaly Santiago Guzman

Tooling and Community Engagement with Beginner Virtual Reality Students | Victoria Bradbury

Testing Free Alternatives to Proprietary Software in Architectural Education | Mike Christenson, Abigail Green,  Xiaotong Liu, Kallie Self

Democratizing Studio Learning Spaces through Digital Collaboration and Project Management Tools | Isabel Bo-Linn, Joshua Pridemore

Building Skills to Bridge the Gap: A Case for Tool Literacy Programs for Underrepresented Demographics in Design Fields | Amanda Simons, Sara Sanders

6D | Tools for Play and Imagination

Room 312 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Kelly Homan

Play/List: Using Music to Increase Agency in the Architecture Studio | Jon Gould

Space for Imagination: The Serious Play of Drawing Concepts from Children’s Books | Deborah Ku

PLAY(ing) | Rachel Smith Loerts, Alison Turner

The Role of Paper in Early Design Education: Bridging Skills and Fostering Creativity | David Matthews, Hojung Kim

6E | Tools for Sketching

Room 310 | Leazar Hall

Moderator: Raja Bandari

Sketch as Tool | Catherine Wetzel, Simon Bussiere, Lance Walters

From Observation to Drawing: Teaching Spatial Understanding through Scales | Shirley Dongwei Chen

Drawing Tools: Leveraging Comparative Analysis for Early Design Development in Architecture | Benjamin Ennemoser, James Michael Tate, Maria De Los Angeles Peñalver-Izaguirre

Drawing on Observation: Impacts of Travel on Beginning Design Education | Rachel Smith Loerts, Alyssa Kuhns, Lynn Fitzpatrick, Laura Terry

6:00pm - 9:00pm | Closing Dinner

The Stockroom

Join us for BBQ, Bluegrass and celebration at The Stockroom at 230 Fayetteville Street in the center of downtown Raleigh. Located on the second floor of the Carolina Trust Building, this historic venue provides a charming blend of exposed brick, warm hardwood floors, lofty lattice ceilings laced with market lighting, and natural light, which crafts an atmosphere exceptional for any occasion.

Get ready for some local food and local music that blends traditional southern cuisine and culture with a contemporary and urban flair that is characteristic of Raleigh’s innovative community!

A bus will leave the College of Design campus (outside of Leazar Hall) at 5:45 and 6:15, stopping at Glenwood and Hillsoborough street on the way downtown. It will retur starting around 8:30. 

Sunday, March 02

North Carolina Museum of Art Excursion Details to come

Modernist House Tour Excursion Details to come