{"id":32831,"date":"2023-05-10T09:37:10","date_gmt":"2023-05-10T13:37:10","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/2023\/05\/10\/college-of-design-faculty-win-nc-state-awards-in-teaching-and-research\/"},"modified":"2024-07-16T02:13:25","modified_gmt":"2024-07-16T06:13:25","slug":"college-of-design-faculty-win-nc-state-awards-in-teaching-and-research","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/2023\/05\/10\/college-of-design-faculty-win-nc-state-awards-in-teaching-and-research\/","title":{"rendered":"College of Design Faculty win NC State Awards in Teaching and Research"},"content":{"rendered":"

Libraries Faculty Award<\/h2>\n

Derek Ham<\/strong>, PhD, department head of Media Arts, Design and Technology, was named one of two faculty winners of the 2023 Libraries Faculty Award. The Libraries Faculty Award is given to an NC State faculty member who has contributed consistently and notably to the accomplishment of the Libraries’ mission, vision, and strategic initiatives. The award, established in commemoration of the Libraries\u2019 centennial year in 1989, enables the Libraries to recognize faculty contributions.<\/p>\n

Alumni Association Awards<\/h2>\n

Each spring, the Alumni Association recognizes the university\u2019s top faculty who consistently demonstrate excellence in NC State\u2019s core values \u2013 teaching, research and extension.<\/p>\n

Outstanding Teacher Award <\/h4>\n

Jianxin Hu,<\/strong> PhD, associate professor of architecture<\/p>\n

The Alumni Association Outstanding Teacher Award recognizes six to eight faculty across NC State. Winners are inducted into the NC State Academy of Outstanding Teachers and receive a $1,000 stipend.<\/p>\n

The award recognizes excellence in teaching at all levels. Faculty must receive the Outstanding Teacher Award in order to be eligible for the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Provost\u2019s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award. Recipients of the Outstanding Teacher Award become members of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers for as long as they remain NC State faculty.<\/p>\n

Outstanding Extension and Engagement Award <\/h4>\n

Lesley-Ann Noel,<\/strong> PhD, assistant professor of media arts, design and technology<\/p>\n

The Oustanding Extension and Engagement Awards honor the commitment of NC State faculty and staff members to fulfilling NC State\u2019s land-grant mission alongside community partners. Awards presented included the Outstanding Extension and Outstanding Engagement Awards, the Alumni Award for Outstanding Extension Service, the Opal Mann Green Award, the William L. Turner Award for Outstanding Contribution to Extension and Continuing Education, and the James E. Holshouser nominee.<\/p>\n

Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award <\/h4>\n

Tim Buie, <\/strong>associate professor of industrial design<\/p>\n

The Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award, sponsored by the NC State Alumni Association, is one of the most prestigious awards to recognize undergraduate-level teaching given on campus. Up to six recipients will receive this recognition each year and retain their title for the duration of their career as an NC State faculty member. Each recipient will receive a cash award.<\/p>\n

Graduate School Awards <\/h2>\n

Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, Humanities and Design <\/h4>\n

Matthew Peterson, <\/strong>associate professor of graphic & experience design<\/p>\n

Since 2015, the Graduate School has sponsored the annual Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award so that graduate students and graduate alumni can recognize the faculty who have mentored them through their education. Nominations are accepted each fall, and awards are given in the spring.<\/p>\n

The award is designed to honor those outstanding mentors who are clearly devoted to helping their graduate students flourish and assisting them to create a pathway to successful careers. In addition to providing discipline-specific guidance related to research, teaching, coursework and other curricular requirements and ensuring transparency of the graduate educational process, outstanding mentors provide their mentees with other types of significant support.<\/p>\n

2022-2023 Faculty Scholar <\/h2>\n

Celen Pasalar, <\/strong>PhD, associate professor of landscape architecture and environmental planning<\/p>\n

Twenty-two early- and mid-career faculty receive this designation each year in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements and contributions to NC State through their teaching, scholarship and service to the university and beyond.<\/p><\/p>\n

This post was originally published<\/a> in College of Design Blog.<\/em><\/p>","protected":false,"raw":"

Libraries Faculty Award<\/h2>\n\n

Derek Ham<\/strong>, PhD, department head of Media Arts, Design and Technology, was named one of two faculty winners of the 2023 Libraries Faculty Award. The Libraries Faculty Award is given to an NC State faculty member who has contributed consistently and notably to the accomplishment of the Libraries' mission, vision, and strategic initiatives. The award, established in commemoration of the Libraries\u2019 centennial year in 1989, enables the Libraries to recognize faculty contributions.<\/p>\n\n

Alumni Association Awards<\/h2>\n\n

Each spring, the Alumni Association recognizes the university\u2019s top faculty who consistently demonstrate excellence in NC State\u2019s core values \u2013 teaching, research and extension.<\/p>\n\n

Outstanding Teacher Award <\/h4>\n\n

Jianxin Hu,<\/strong> PhD, associate professor of architecture<\/p>\n\n

The Alumni Association Outstanding Teacher Award recognizes six to eight faculty across NC State. Winners are inducted into the NC State Academy of Outstanding Teachers and receive a $1,000 stipend.<\/p>\n\n

The award recognizes excellence in teaching at all levels. Faculty must receive the Outstanding Teacher Award in order to be eligible for the Board of Governors Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Provost\u2019s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award. Recipients of the Outstanding Teacher Award become members of the Academy of Outstanding Teachers for as long as they remain NC State faculty.<\/p>\n\n

Outstanding Extension and Engagement Award <\/h4>\n\n

Lesley-Ann Noel,<\/strong> PhD, assistant professor of media arts, design and technology<\/p>\n\n

The Oustanding Extension and Engagement Awards honor the commitment of NC State faculty and staff members to fulfilling NC State\u2019s land-grant mission alongside community partners. Awards presented included the Outstanding Extension and Outstanding Engagement Awards, the Alumni Award for Outstanding Extension Service, the Opal Mann Green Award, the William L. Turner Award for Outstanding Contribution to Extension and Continuing Education, and the James E. Holshouser nominee.<\/p>\n\n

Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award <\/h4>\n\n

Tim Buie, <\/strong>associate professor of industrial design<\/p>\n\n

The Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award, sponsored by the NC State Alumni Association, is one of the most prestigious awards to recognize undergraduate-level teaching given on campus. Up to six recipients will receive this recognition each year and retain their title for the duration of their career as an NC State faculty member. Each recipient will receive a cash award.<\/p>\n\n

Graduate School Awards <\/h2>\n\n

Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, Humanities and Design <\/h4>\n\n

Matthew Peterson, <\/strong>associate professor of graphic & experience design<\/p>\n\n

Since 2015, the Graduate School has sponsored the annual Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award so that graduate students and graduate alumni can recognize the faculty who have mentored them through their education. Nominations are accepted each fall, and awards are given in the spring.<\/p>\n\n

The award is designed to honor those outstanding mentors who are clearly devoted to helping their graduate students flourish and assisting them to create a pathway to successful careers. In addition to providing discipline-specific guidance related to research, teaching, coursework and other curricular requirements and ensuring transparency of the graduate educational process, outstanding mentors provide their mentees with other types of significant support.<\/p>\n\n

2022-2023 Faculty Scholar <\/h2>\n\n

Celen Pasalar, <\/strong>PhD, associate professor of landscape architecture and environmental planning<\/p>\n\n

Twenty-two early- and mid-career faculty receive this designation each year in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements and contributions to NC State through their teaching, scholarship and service to the university and beyond.<\/p>\n\n


Six College of Design faculty were recognized with awards from the Alumni Association, Graduate School, Libraries and Office of the Provost this spring.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":13,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_acf_changed":false,"source":"ncstate_wire","ncst_custom_author":"","ncst_show_custom_author":false,"ncst_dynamicHeaderBlockName":"","ncst_dynamicHeaderData":"","ncst_content_audit_freq":"","ncst_content_audit_date":"","ncst_content_audit_display":false,"ncst_backToTopFlag":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[8],"tags":[45],"displayCategory":null,"acf":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/32831"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/13"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=32831"}],"version-history":[{"count":2,"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/32831\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":33063,"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/32831\/revisions\/33063"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=32831"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=32831"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/design.ncsu.edu\/doctor-of-design\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=32831"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}